Monday, February 4, 2013

Master Lock 'Lock Up Love' Sweepstakes & Giveaway

To raise awareness for American Heart Month, Master Lock is offering consumers the chance to win a trip to Paris, France through their website.  Just in time for Valentine’s Day, the Lock Up Love & Getaway Sweepstakes encourages visitors to the site to create, send and have their recipient accept a virtual love lock, and thus, become eligible to enter the sweepstakes while simultaneously benefitting a worthy cause.

In 2012, Master Lock donated more than $10,000 to the American Heart Association and is stepping up to the plate once again this year. In addition to another $10,000 base donation, Master Lock will donate a dollar for each completed and shared love lock on the site through the month of February, up to an additional $5,000. Besides being the month of love, February is also American Heart Month, a time dedicated to bringing awareness to heart health and building healthier lives free of cardiovascular disease.

“We’re thrilled to continue supporting the American Heart Association, and to offer fans of the brand and consumers a chance to win a trip to the city of love,” said Rebecca Smith, vice president, marketing, for Master Lock. “Our hope is that this great prize will raise awareness for heart disease and bring this historic and romantic love lock custom to life digitally  throughout the month.”

Visitors to can lock up their love virtually and enter to win the Lock Up Love & Getaway Sweepstakes, which includes flights, hotel accommodations and spending money for two guests. While in Paris, the couple will have the opportunity to witness the love locks tradition in person at the Pont de l'Archevêché. For decades, sweethearts have participated in this romantic custom around the world by affixing padlocks to fences, gates and bridges, and then throwing away the key, to symbolize their everlasting love.

To enter, visitors select a lock and one of seven famous bridges to virtually affix the chosen lock.  Next they upload a personal message for their loved one.  A customized “love lock invitation” is then sent to the recipient via email.  Once the invitation is accepted, the love lock sender will receive confirmation and a link to the sweepstakes entry form. Consumers will be permitted one entry per accepted, customized love lock (limit two entries per valid email address).

Consumers who participate in the sweepstakes will also have the opportunity to win additional prizes, including a $1,000 Visa® gift card; Valentine’s Day themed gift packs filled with flower arrangements, luxury candles, chocolates, romantic DVDs, the Master Lock 1509DLOV Love Lock and more. Fans can enter the sweepstakes daily, including weekends, and all entrants will automatically be eligible for the grand prize pack valued at approximately $7,500 to be drawn on or around March 1.

To send a virtual love lock and enter the Lock Up Love & Getaway Sweepstakes, visit or, and be sure the recipient accepts the lock via email. For more information, visit the Master Lock Press Room at

The Giveaway 

 One lucky winners are each going to receive a Master Lock’s heart-studded 1509DLOV lock.  To enter, just fill in the Rafflecopter form below. This giveaway will end on 2/24/13. The winner will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to reply. Thanks again to Master Lock for offering this fantastic prize.

 ***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way.  Please note that I  am not responsible for the delivery of this prize and can not be held accountable if, for any reason, is it not received. Furthermore, I am in no way liable for any injuries that may result from the use or misuse of this product. ***


eclairre said... 1

I learned "Master Lock is donating $10,000 to the American Heart Association & will donate an additional $1.00 for every Love Lock created (up to $5,000) thru Feb. 28, 2013."

dfraley3 said... 2

Master Lock is donating $10,000 to the American Heart Association and they are also giving away a trip for 2 to Paris.

Linda Kish said... 3

"It is an international custom for sweethearts to lock a padlock to a bridge, symbolizing their everlasting love." I have never heard of this before.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

bmom76 said... 4

I have never heard of the padlock tradition, I belive we will have to give it a try.
chelsea r

Unknown said... 5

I learned that lovers place a lock on a bridge to symbolize there love.

Hollowsins said... 6

they have sent 407 locks so far

fearless_fallen_angel said... 7

i knew nothing about the Love Locks program, so its all new!

Misusedinnocence said... 8

I learned that they've sent 407 locks so far!

Katie | said... 9

I learned that Masterlock is donating an additional $1.00 for every Love Lock created (up to $5,000) thru Feb. 28, 2013. Awesome!

katja9_10 said... 10

I learned that they are donating $10,000 to the American Heart Association.

Les Johnson

Sayomay said... 11

Master Lock is donating $10,000 to the American Heart Association!!!! :D

An Apel a Day said... 12

I learned about the Love Locks Program. I never knew anything like that existed.

Penelope Costanzo said... 13

Master Lock is donating $10,000 to the American Heart Association & will donate an additional $1.00 for every Love Lock created (up to $5,000) thru Feb. 28, 2013.

Heather! said... 14

I learned that over five thousand love locks have been sent so far! Plus one more...'cause I sent one. :)

h4schaffer at gmail dot com

lisa said... 15

Masterlock is donating an additional $1.00 for every Love Lock created (up to $5,000) thru Feb. 28, 2013

cw said... 16

learned about sending love locks...5786 have been sent

Erin Rok said... 17

Masterlock is giving away a trip for two to Paris!

slb3334 said... 18

they have an area that has peoples names on it.

Tamar said... 19

You can create a love lock

Anonymous said... 20

$10,000 Donation to the American Heart Association.

mogrill said... 21

I learned they are donating to the American Heart Association.
Thanks for the chance.

krystal wethington said... 22

10,000 Donation to the American Heart Association

CherylS22 said... 23

I learned that "It is an international custom for sweethearts to lock a padlock to a bridge, symbolizing their everlasting love."
Thanks for the giveaway!

Katie said... 24

They are donating $10k to the American Heart Associatoin

Alisha K said... 25

I learned that by connecting the Lock to a bridge you are symbolizing your love.

bac1 said... 26

i learned that Master Lock is donating $10,000 to the American Heart Association & will donate an additional $1.00 for every Love Lock created (up to $5,000) thru Feb. 28, 2013.

Unknown said... 27

That they are donating 10,000 dollars to the American Heart Association And A Additional Dollar for every lock Purchased Up Till Feb 28th

Igot2bme said... 28

did not know they had a relationship with the heart association makes me want to buy even more i already love master locks

Unknown said... 29

lovers place a lock on a bridge to symbolize there love

Daniel M said... 30

they're donating $10,000 to the American Heart Association - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Erica C. said... 31

I learned that you can enter to win a trip to Paris on their site.

deniseyweesy said... 32

They are donating to the American Heart association

Julia said... 33

padlocks on bridges all over the world? i'll have to start looking, i like that idea.

mary renshaw said... 34

I learned several things but I think this is the sweetest! Tt is an international custom for sweethearts to lock a padlock to a bridge, symbolizing their everlasting love

Anonymous said... 35

As of me posting this 8130 Love Lccks have been sent.

Unknown said... 36

I had actually never heard the bridge love lock tradition before.

Hotsnotty2 said... 37

I learned that they are donating $10,000 to the American Heart Association.

sottovoce said... 38

I learned Love Locks can be seen on bridges all over the world as a symbol of love.

Anonymous said... 39

Donating to aha

susansmoaks said... 40

they have a sweepstakes t win a trip on their website and they donate to the american heart association
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
tony l smoaks on rafflecopter

luckynordberg said... 41

Masterlock is donating money to american heart association

Anonymous said... 42

I learned they are donating $10,000 to the American Heart Association & will donate an additional $1.00 for every Love Lock created (up to 5000) through Feb. 28 2013.

mail4rosey said... 43

I learned that over 8,000 locks have been sent so far.

chromiumman said... 44

learned that they are donating $10,000 to the American Heart Association

chromiumman (at) mail (dot) com

Unknown said... 45

Love that they put them on bridges to confirm their love and I noticed it started in France

Katie Roch said... 46

I learned that Master Lock was founded in 1921

Breanne said... 47

8271 locks have been sent so far

Brian E. said... 48

Thanks for the giveaway...
It is an international custom for sweethearts to lock a padlock to a bridge, symbolizing their everlasting love.

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

Rafflecopter: Bryan E.