Thursday, December 20, 2012

Cozi Dinner Decider App Review

‘Tis the season to be busy with holiday preparations: visiting in-laws, shopping for gifts, decorating the house, baking cookies … and still finding time to feed the family.

Cozi, the company behind Cozi Family Organizer (the No. 1 online and mobile family calendar, with more than 8 million users), is here to reduce holiday headaches with Cozi Dinner Decider, a new app designed to help families enjoy dinners together by giving them personalized meal plans. It’s a great app that will help take one thing off your plate during the most wonderful time of the year.  

Dinner Decider, available now for iOS, is smart—it learns a family’s likes and dislikes through its proprietary recipe recommendation engine, and creates meal plans that become more and more personalized each week.
Our Thoughts

I have a bunch of picky eaters here at my house so when the chance to review this App came, I took it quickly. I was hoping to change up the menu that we usually follow but even with this App I wasn't able to appease the masses. While the App gives great suggestions and fantastic recipes that my husband and I both liked and others that sounded delicious, my kids are harder to please.

The recipes that are available sound delicious when you're looking through the options.  The ones we've tried have been absolutely fantastic! Some of them are going to require planning ahead as there are things that one doesn't usually stock in the pantry. Others are a quick throw together of items that are normally found, at least in my house. Most of the recipes take about 30 minutes to prepare and then there is the cook time.  Again this varies based on what you're looking to make for dinner.  I do have to say that there are quite a few items each week that are Paleo (or Caveman Diet) friendly, although most of the items can be made to be Paleo friendly with just a small change or omission of an ingredient. (Our family tries to follow the Paleo diet as closely as possible!)

I am going to keep trying to use this App at least once a week as it takes some of the guess work out of making dinner.  With 3 active boys and a husband that has an ever-changing schedule, this App saves my life.  If you're looking for new ideas, new twists on some "comfort foods" I'd recommend trying the App out!  You can also get more options by purchasing the App for $14.99 for 3 months or the introductory offer of $29.99 for a year.  

I wish you happy cooking!

Reviewed by Tiff
 ***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***