Monday, March 12, 2012


You can show how much you love the earth and POCOYO by hosting a special POCOYO FUN & GAMES Earth Hour Party on Saturday March 31 from 8.30p.m. to 9:30p.m. local time.  To get started on hosting your own POCOYO FUN & GAMES Earth Hour Party, here are some easy tips for planning the perfect Earth-friendly party:
  • Make invitations out of recycled paper or send an email invite.
  • Use organic and locally sustained food.
  • Serve finger foods to skip using plates and utensils, and use cloth napkins that can be washed and used again. 
  • Make dishes that don’t require the oven or electricity to prepare.
  • Be creative with food, ie, licorice ends can be cut off to make edible straws for the kids.
  • Family craft project – try making the special Keepsake holder out of an old cereal box (see instructions below).
  • Have a nighttime, outdoor, eco-friendly scavenger hunt by flashlight - hunt for recyclable items like milk cartons, egg cartons, etc.  Once the items are found, explain how they are used for recycling and to save our environment.
  • Have a recycled book exchange for the kids and adults, instead of favors.
  • Have fun and remember to have enough candles and flashlights for everyone to see! 
As part of the new 2012 Earth Hour campaign, Zinkia Entertainment introduced POCOYO’s Recycling Game, available through, Earth Hour’s website ( and the Official POCOYO Facebook page (  POCOYO pledged to plant one tree, up to 10,000 trees, for everyone who played the new POCOYO Recycling Game.  The goal was reached in record time so Zinkia’s Chairman pledged to plant more trees, up to 10,000, for each person who played the recycle game. And, that goal was reached too in just a few days! The game has been so popular that Pocoyo has brought his challenge to entirely new level! NOW, if 100,000 people play Pocoyo's Recycle Game, Pocoyo will plant a total of 50,000 trees! The trees will be planted by Trees for the Future, Zinkia’s charity partner whose mission for 2012 is to plant 17 million trees!  You can also plant trees (.10 cents/tree) for Earth Hour by visiting

What would you be willing to do to help save the planet?  Visit the YouTube Earth Hour Challenge and see what you can do to help save the planet.  One brave person is willing to shave their head if 5000 people sign on to Earth Hour.  Another says she’ll wear whatever her daughter tells her to if 5000 commit to recycling in 2012.  Ask your readers to “take up the challenge” at and post their own challenge.

POCOYO will be also be featuredin a new Public Service Announcement which will air on TV and online, and there are special POCOYO Earth Hour activity booklets available for downloading, as well as POCOYO Earth Hour screensavers and wallpapers for FREE at!

Earth Hour 2012 takes place Saturday March 31 from 8.30p.m. to 9:30p.m. local time as individuals, businesses, governments and communities are invited to turn out their lights for one hour to show their support for environmentally sustainable action. This single moment of contemplation for the planet unites hundreds of millions of people each year in celebration of their year-round commitment to protect and preserve the planet.

Here are some “green” tips to pass along to your readers:
At Home:
  1. Turn off lights and all electronics when you leave a room to conserve energy
  2. >Turn off lights and appliances at the wall when not in use
  3. Switch to energy-efficient light bulbs
  4. Use rechargeable batteries in toys
  5. Say no to disposable plastic water bottles and use refillable stainless steel alternatives
  6. Use dish towels instead of paper towels
  7. Don’t use disposable plates, utensils or napkins
  8. If you have stuff you no longer need, instead of throwing them away, minimize your waste footprint and donate to a charity or use a service that allows items to be donated or recycled such as
  9. Use the sunlight to warm up a room by keeping the blind and drapes open
  10. Close drapes and blinds when it’s too hot to keep a room cool
  11. Plant Native plants that require less water, care & maintenance
  12. Grow your own fruits & vegetables
  13. Start a compost
  14. Have a candlelight “family hour” at least once a week & play board games in lieu of TV.
  15. Ask kids to help sort the recycling and explain how this help to reduce waste
  16. Reduce your water use -- Take shorter showers, turn off the tap when brushing your teeth, install water saving shower-heads and dual-flush toilets, repair dripping taps – all these things add up!
Around Town:
  • Walk, use a bicycle or take public transportation
  • Car pool to school and/or work
  • Take a reusable cloth bag when you go shopping
  • Buy local, seasonal produce and avoid unnecessarily packaged goods
  • Choose Fair Trade products
  • Share your “green tips” with friends

To celebrate Earch Hour, One lucky winner is going to receive a copy of the Pocoyo Fun & Games DVD! To enter, just tell me your favorite Pocoyo character. For additional entries, you can do any of the following, but you must complete this initial entry first. Any entries that do not follow these guidelines will be deleted.

This giveaway will end at midnight on  4/2/121 and is open to the continental US only. Only one set of entries per person/household or IP address. The winner will be chosen via a random number generator. Thanks again to Pocoyo for offering this great prize!

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way.  Please note that I  am not responsible for the delivery of this prize and can not be held accountable if, for any reason, is it not received. Furthermore, I am in no way liable for any injuries that may result from the use or misuse of this product. ***


christie spaeth said...

I LOVE ELLY!!! My grandpa always told me pick eleys exisited

bison61 said...

I like Fred

tiramisu392 (at)

ReggieMann said...

My favorite Pocoyo character is Pato

ReggieM1961 at gmail dot com

ReggieMann said...

I Like Pocoyo on Facebook
(Facebook name: Reggie Mann)

ReggieM1961 at gmail dot com

aperry said...

2I like Elly

momma8385 said...

Loula! Thank you for this giveaway.
:) Jeanne,

momma8385 said...

Like POCOYO on facebook - Jeanne Bates Tennant.
:) Jeanne,

momma8385 said...

Follow on twitter @momma8385.
:) Jeanne,

momma8385 said...

Like EARTH HOUR on facebook - Jeanne Bates Tennant.
:) Jeanne,

momma8385 said...

Subscribed to Earth Hour on youtube - momma8385.
:) Jeanne,

pitufas_021 said...

Haven't seen it yet but would like to.

trixx said...

My daughter loves Sleepy Bird. trixpixel[at]

Tylerpants said...

I likes Pato. tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said...

I'm a NCircleEntertainment follower on Twitter (MsTylerpants). tylerpants(at)

Tylerpants said...

I'm a NCircle Entertainment fan on Facebook (Lisa L). tylerpants(at)

lilyk said...

I love Pato!

lilyk said...

I played the POCOYO Recycling Game.

lilyk said...

I follow POCOYO on Facebook under the username likwan.

lilyk said...

I follow POCOYO on Twitter under the username likwan.

lilyk said...

I follow Earth Hour on Facebook under the username likwan.

lilyk said...

I follow Earth Hour on Twitter under the username likwan.

lilyk said...

I subscribed to Earth Hour on YouTube under the username mslilyk.

lilyk said...

I follow NCircle Entertainment on Twitter under the username likwan.

lilyk said...

I follow NCircle Entertainment on Facebook under the username likwan.

lilyk said...

I follow Trees for the Future Org on Twitter under the username likwan.

lilyk said...

I follow on Twitter under the username likwan.