Sunday, September 25, 2011

Light Speed Tents Review & Giveaway

Since I live within walking distance of the beach, my children and I spend a lot of time soaking up the sun in the summer months. But now that I have two little ones again, its not as easy to spend hours out in the hot sun.  Nap time is usually from 11am to 1pm, which is exactly the best time to be at the beach.  Trying to get them to sleep in the stroller out in the sun is not only difficult, but more sun than I want them to get on their delicate skin. But thanks to Light Speed Tents, going to the beach is easy again. We can stay all day because when the sun gets to be too much, we have the cover of our Quick Draw Tent to rest under. Its fast and easy to set up and even has SPF 50 protection.

I had considered bringing tents to the beach before, but I never did for several reasons. First, they can be heavy to carry when you already have a double stroller, multiple chairs, coolers, toys, etc. With our Quick Draw, that's not a problem because its lightweight and even the kids can carry it. The other issue was that it was impossible for me to get a regular tent put together. I could never get the poles bent in the right directions. I also tried bringing one of those fold up kids tents but they would just blow away and got ruined in the sand.  The Light Speed Tents are designed to hold up under the elements and are strong and sturdy with stakes to help keep them in place even on windy days.  But the best thing about the Quick Draw is that it assembles in an instant.  Just pull down the single string hub and it sort of snaps right open. Taking it down is just as easy. It literally takes seconds to have a secure shelter against the elements that is perfect for avid beach goers.

Now that the beach season is pretty much over, I have found another great use for our Quick Draw. My son is on the soccer team and I have to take my other three kids with us to practice once a week and games twice a week. They don't have any bleachers and carrying a bunch of chairs was a real hassle. But the early morning dew also made the grass wet, so it was hard to sit on a blanket.  I never would have thought about bringing a tent since the game would have been over before I had it together. But since the Quick Draw is so easy to set up, I can take it to games and we can all sit in the shade and comfortably watch my son take over the soccer field.

The Quick Draw is only one of the fun and functional tents you can find at light speed tents. They also offer canopies, camping tents, and more. You can find Light Speed Tents online at Amazon or at Costco and Sam's Clubs nationwide. Also be sure to check out their website to see all the available tents and how to videos that show you just how easy it really is to get started. Whether you love the beach, haunt the campgrounds, or spend a lot of time in the sports field, Light Speed Tents will be the perfect outdoor gear for you.

One very lucky winner is going to receive a Quick Draw tent of their own!   To enter, just complete the Rafflecopter form below. The winner will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to reply. Thanks again to Light Speed Tents for offering this great prize.

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way.  Please note that I  am not responsible for the delivery of this prize and can not be held accountable if, for any reason, is it not received. Furthermore, I am in no way liable for any injuries that may result from the use or misuse of this product. ***


An Apel a Day said...

The Candy Corn Mini Pillar.
alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM

HomemadeBaby said...

We were wishing we had something like this when we were at the beach this summer. This would be great - we are very conscious about sun exposure.

Unknown said...

This is a cool tent! thanks for offering yet another great giveaway!