Thursday, April 21, 2011

theGoodOnYabar Review & Giveaway

Healthy snacks are great but plain old granola bars get boring. Wouldn't it be great to find a snack that is good for you, but actually tastes great too? Something chock full of peanut butter and chocolate?  Well, guess what? You can have your snack and eat it too! The snack bars from theGoodOnYaBar are so awesome, they are almost too good to be true. 

I was lucky enough to get try  one of each of their three flavors. My favorite was the Peanut Butter and Chocolate. It was almost like having a candy bar. There were lots of big pieces chocolate. Not little flakes you can barely taste like in some bars.   The Peanut Butter and Honey gives you a good mix of sweet and salty and is a unique flavor combination. The Breakfast Bar is perfect for mornings when you don't have time to stop for breakfast. It tastes great and give you the energy you need.

But I haven't told you the best thing about the theGoodOnYaBar yet. Their products are made with only all natural and USDA certified ingredients like Celtic sea salt, organic raisins, and pure mable syrup, giving them great flavor in an all natural way. They are also soy free and, gluten free dairy free. As an added bonus, they are a great source of fiber and iron. To find a location near you that sells these great bars, be sure to check their store locator.

One lucky winner is going to receive one of each of the three flavors from theGoodOnYabar. To enter, jusr visit their website and tell me something you learned. For additional entries, you can do any of the following, but you must complete this initial entry first. Any entries that do not follow these guidelines will be deleted.

1) Subscribe to my blog by email
2) Follow my blog on friend connect
3) Blog about this giveaway with a link to New Age Mama & theGoodOnYabar (5 Entries)
4) Follow me on twitter and tweet this giveaway using the button at the top of this post (Daily)
5) Become my friend on face book  or a fan of New Age Mama on Face Book (one entry each)
6) Grab my main button and tell me where I can find it
7) Follow New Age Mama on Network Blog
8) Follow my author blog on friend connect, twitter, or  face book (one entry each)
9) Post this giveaway on any sweepstakes site, Mr Linky, or other networking website-leave the link where I can find it (1 entry each)
10) Become a fan of theGoodOnYabar on face book (2 entries)
11) Follow theGoodOnYabar on twitter
12) Subscribe to theGoodonYabar newsletter

This giveaway will end at midnight on  5/10/11 and is open to the continental US only. The winner will be chosen via a random number generator. Thanks again to theGoodOnYabar for offering this great prize!

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way.  Please note that I  am not responsible for the delivery of this prize and can not be held accountable if, for any reason, is it not received. Furthermore, I am in no way liable for any injuries that may result from the use or misuse of this product. ***


danamdkny said...

I learned that this company is very eco concerned which makes me happy! and Madame EARTH!

lolamichele said...

I learned that these bars are a good source of iron.

boswife @ gmail . com

lolamichele said...

I was theri #500 twitter follower!

boswife @ gmail . com

June L said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pitufas_021 said...

Our Breakfas Bar has 24% of the fiber you need in a day and 7.6g of bio-available protein in only 2oz’s

June L said...

What I learned is that these bars should be more low glycemic than others because of the high protein, fiber, and the lack of puffed rice.

junerlisle @ gmail . com

June L said...

I subscribe with my main yahoo email (junerlisle @ Yahoo).

junerlisle @ gmail . com

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Linda Kish said...

The bars are low in sodium and high in potassium...that makes me happy.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Linda Kish said...

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lkish77123 at gmail dot com

pitufas_021 said...

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Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

I learned that the founder was on the US National field hockey team.

An Apel a Day said...

I learned that they came up with their company identity by drawing sketches on a napkin.
alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM

An Apel a Day said...

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alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM

An Apel a Day said...

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alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM

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alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM

An Apel a Day said...

2 Fan of theGoodOnYabar on FB. alissa spiehs-a
alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM

Linda Kish said...

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lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Sheri said...

i like you on facebook

Sheri said...

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Sheri said...

like author laura deluca on facebook!

Sheri said...

like goodonya bar on facebook!

Sheri said...

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Sheri said...

soy and gluten free! yes!

cw said...

I learned that they are 76%raw

cw said...

gfc follower

lovepoetes said...

I learned that Splenda is made by chlorinating sugar...ewww. I don't eat it anyway, but that sounds nasty.

lovepoetes at aol dot com

lovepoetes said...

I already subscribe to your blog by email.

lovepoetes at aol dot com

lovepoetes said...

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lovepoetes at aol dot com

lovepoetes said...

I am already a fan of New Age Mama on Facebook.

lovepoetes at aol dot com

lovepoetes said...

I became a fan of theGoodOnYabar on Facebook.

lovepoetes at aol dot com

Kari said...

I learned it's 76% raw which is great for people trying to eat clean

Kari said...

Im an email subscriber

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Kari said...

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Kari said...

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Kari said...

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Kari said...

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Karen said...

The bars are a good source of iron :)

Karen Gonyea
ktgonyea at

Lance said...

I learned that Good on Ya makes other things, not just bars.

Lance said...

Follow the blog on GFC.

Lance said...

Like Good on Ya on FB.

Lance said...

Like Good on Ya on FB.

pitufas_021 said...!/pitufas_021/status/61451897722249216

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Kimberly said...

High Fiber, High Iron

Kimberly said...

I like GoodOnYa bar on FB

Kimberly said...

I like GoodOnYa on FB

Kimberly said...

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Kimberly said...

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the info on splenda was gross



Amber said...

I learned that Kris Fillat, founder of GoodOnYa, played field hockey for the US National team!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I follow your blog with google friend connect
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I follow your author blog with google friend connect
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I like you on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I'm a fan of The GoodOnYa Bar Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I'm a fan of The GoodOnYa Bar Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I'm your friend on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I follow your blog with Networked Blogs - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I follow you on Twitter, I'm @AmberGoo, and tweeted:!/AmberGoo/status/61888611397808129
Thank you for the giveaway :)

pitufas_021 said...!/pitufas_021/status/62237388889522176

i tweeted

llinda29 said...

I learned People who love us, Organizations we support, Cafe Vendors, Important blogs & websites on nutrition.

llinda29 said...

I gfc

llinda29 said...

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bison61 said...

the Breakfast Bar has 24% of the fiber you need in a day

tiramisu392 (at)

Kristen said...

I learned that they have no fillers.

Kristen said...

I follow on GFC.

eclairre said...

I learned they contain iron. eclairre(at)ymail(dot)com

moonsword said...

I learned that the company supports two of my favorite charities...1% for the Planet and The Surfrider Foundation.

Anonymous said...

I learned that this company was founded in 2001. Their bars weigh 57 grams!

sswpss at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

current gfc follower as "sswpss"

sswpss at yahoo dot com

Jennifer T. said...

The founder was a former Olympic athlete looking for a new start and a healthy snack.

Jennifer T. said...

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Jennifer T. said...

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I'm a facebook fan of New Age Mama under username Jennie Tilson.

Jennifer T. said...

I follow through Networked Blogs under username Jennie Tilson.

Jennifer T. said...

I'm a facebook fan of The GoodOnYa Bar under username Jennie Tilson. #1

Jennifer T. said...

I'm a facebook fan of The GoodOnYa Bar under username Jennie Tilson. #2

Olive's mum said...

Their bars are high in fiber and iron.

Olive's mum said...

follow you GFC

Olive's mum said...

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johannadb said...

They use 70% dark chocolate in their peanut butter chocolate bars

johannadb said...

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johannadb said...

FB fan of new age mama

johannadb said...

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polly said...

the bars contain no soy or dairy

polly said...

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polly said...

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polly said...

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Pat said...

I learned their stores have 3 locations.
pkildow at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

they are really green! among many other things they use mainly vinegar and water to clean in their stores.

aarobertson75 at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

email subscriber

aarobertson75 at comcast dot net

peripatetic33 said...

peripatetic33 at hot mail dot com
i learned that they use vinegar and water as the main cleaner in their cafes instead of harsh soaps

peripatetic33 said...

peripatetic33 at hot mail dot com
email subscriber

peripatetic33 said...

peripatetic33 at hot mail dot com
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peripatetic33 said...

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New Age Mama fan on facebook as Peripatetic Thirtythree

peripatetic33 said...

peripatetic33 at hot mail dot com
following your author blog on facebook as Peripatetic Thirtythree

peripatetic33 said...

peripatetic33 at hot mail dot com
fan of theGoodOnYaBar on facebook as Peripatetic Thirtythree

peripatetic33 said...

peripatetic33 at hot mail dot com
fan of theGoodOnYaBar on facebook as Peripatetic Thirtythree

Terri said...

I learned that the Breakfast Bar has 24% of the fiber you need in a day and it is high in iron. The ingredients sound yummy and what a great way to eat something that is healthy for you especially when you can't sit down to stop for breakfast.

Terri said...

Email subscriber

Terri said...

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Terri said...

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Renee G said...

I learned that their breakfast bars contain no soy or dairy.

Renee G said...

I follow as Renee G on gFC

susansmoaks said...

i really enjoyed reading the personal reviews, i learned that the goodonya bars are loved by all
susansmoaks at gmail dot com said...

I am happy to say that this company is an environment friendly one.
Diane Baum

EmmaPeel said...

I learned that their Breakfas Bar has 24% of the fiber you need in a day and 7.6g of bio-available protein in only 2oz’s.


EmmaPeel said...

email subscriber

Cindy said...

I used the store locator and learned I can buy these bars locally. Cool!
Robertgski at aol dot com

Cindy said...

Email subscriber

Cindy said...

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cman said...

The company was founded in 2001.

cman said...

I'm a GFC follower.

cman said...

I'm an email subscriber.