Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Matooka Kids Couture Review

Some day she will probably roll her eyes at me, but I've always love to dress my baby girl in adorable clothes and frocks.  Thanks to Matooka Kids Couture, I can choose from dozens of beautiful, girly outfits from sets to dresses.  If you are looking for beautiful boutique style clothing, they have a great selection of adorable clothing for children of all ages.  You will find everything you need to keep your kids in style at Matooka Kids Couture.

 I may live at the Jersey Shore, but I was born in South Philly, and I guess I still have a little of that South Philly girl in me, because I love this adorable black and leopard print set. Willow looks more Italian than ever in the matching set. The outfit was surprisingly comfortable even though its fancy. It has the big leopard skin bow on the outside of the shirt but inside is soft cotton. I also loved that the skirt had the adjustable button on the inside. It was a size 2, which I was able to make a little smaller for now, but in the fall it should still fit her. Its definitely a great value for some adorable and fashionable clothes.

In addition to a full line of baby clothes, Matooka Kids Couture also has clothes for older children in all kinds of fun styles. These aren't the type of clothes you are going to find in department stores. They are high quality clothes that will hold up and will be easy to pass down from one child to another. If you would like to learn more about this great  company and all they have to offer, you can visit their website. To keep up with the latest promotions, be sure to become their fan on face book. For the height of fashion at affordable prices, Matooka Kids Couture is the way to go.

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***