Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ionator HOM Review & Discount

 I hate cleaning with chemicals. Especially now, when I am expecting. The smells make me queasy and I have to wonder if they are doing more harm than good. I am always excited when I find alternatives to using harsh chemicals. Recently I discovered an amazing new product called the Ionator HOM, which is available through Activeion, that turns your regular tap water into a high tech cleaning machine.

The Ionator HOM is easy to use. You simply add tap water to the container and spray. With just the tap water, you will kill 99.9% off germs including H1N1 and Ecoli. You might wonder how simple water can do all that. Here is how it works. When the trigger is pressed, the water is given a slight electrical charge.  This charge causes the water to be ionized, which when applied to surfaces actually works like a magnet to lift dirt and stains so they can be easily wiped away.  Before the water exits the field, an additional charge is applied, which effectively kills germs.

I was amazed by how easy it was to use the Ionator HOM. You really just add water and squirt. The machine does all the work for you. I tried in on both kitchen counters and the bathroom and it removed everything from dried pasta sauce to those annoying mold spots that get on the shower curtain. And its all done with only water. No harsh chemical smells. No gagging while you clean. The Ionator HOM is a wonderful green choice that is perfect for all households, but especially for those with small children or pets.

 If you would like to try this amazing product for yourself, now would be a great time to make a purchase. New Age Mama readers are being offered an exclusive discount. Just enter the code newagemama at checkout and you will receive $20 off the Ionator HOM. This offer is only valid through Earth Day, 4/22/11, so make sure you can yours now. To keep up with future products and promotions with Activeion, be sure to follow them on twitter or become their fan on face book.  For innovative ideas for your home and business, this is a great company to keep bookmarked.

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***