Friday, November 5, 2010

House Partypalooza Fuzzoodles Fiesta!

Yesterday the kids were home from school for a teacher in service day. This made it a great day to host our Fuzzoodles Fiesta! We had ten kids over for this fun event and spent the afternoon making lots of new furry friends. It was an exciting event for both me and the kids and we wanted to share a little bit about it.

If you aren't familiar with Fuzzoodles, they are a great little craft project. They come in sets, which only cost about $19.99.  Each package comes with a variety of giant pipe cleaners in multiple colors as well as plastic eyes, smiles, feet, accessories and more. You can make animals, aliens, and crazy looking people by bending and twisting the pieces into all kinds of shapes. With Fuzzoodles, the possibilities are only as limited as your imagination.

 For our party, we received a large assortment of  Fuzzoodle pieces,  enough for each of our ten guests to make at least two characters of their own. After a little mingling, we all sat down to get to work. Plastic eyes and feet were strewn from one end of my living room to the other as the kids picked through to find just the right pieces for them.  Each set comes with a little instruction book that explains how to attach the pieces to the pipe cleaner and which gives you some great ideas of what to make. Some of the kids followed the directions and some went out on a limb and made their own creations.  While the set is geared towards children between 5 and 7, I noticed that most of the younger ones has a hard time doing the activity on their own, and required assistance from either the adults or the older children. The kids between eight and eleven, had no trouble at all and enjoyed it just as much.  After about an hour of twisting and shaping, we  came up with a whole variety of cool Fuzzoodles. Here are just a few examples.

After the play time was over and we were all Fuzzoodled out, we had some snacks and called it a day. We had a raffle for a $10 gift card where the participates filled out a survey about how they felt about the experience. The general consensus was that it was a big hit. They all loved playing and were excited to get to take home their creations. And even more exciting, is the fact that you can take them apart again and make new characters over and over again. So the fun never stops.

If you would like to get some Fuzzodles for your own little one, they are available online for only $19.99. They would make a great holiday gift that would provide hours of creative play for your child. And you can choose from a variety of cool new sets. Check them out today and bend and twist until your heart's content.

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***