Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hint Naturally Flavored Water Review

We are supposed to drink eight glasses of water every day.   Its a simple idea in theory.  But after awhile, plain water can get pretty boring.  But the alternatives are usually sodas and juices that are too sweet and in most cases fattening.  If  you're looking for an alternative to plain water that won't send you into sugar shock, you should definitely try Hint Naturally Flavored Water.

Hint is a pretty amazing product. It looks like plain water, but when you take a sip, you will taste just a "hint" of fun fruit flavors. It gives water that little extra zing that it needs to keep your taste buds happy. And it comes in so many flavors--like lime, blackberry, and strawberry-kiwi to name just a few--it will never get boring.  But the most amazing thing is that you're getting great taste with zero calories, zero sweeteners, and zero preservatives. And don't worry, it doesn't have that artifical taste that many diet drinks have.  The best way to describe the taste would be if you took a sip of water just after eating a piece of fruit. It tastes completely natural. Its a great choice not just for grownups but for kids too. That little bit of flavor will really encourage them to drink water which is important, especially on hot summer days.

If you would like to give Hint a try, they are currently available in many retail stores including Whole Foods, Stop & Shop & Starbucks to name just a view. To find a retailer near you, check their store locator. And keep an eye out for the new bottles coming in December which will feature Yogi Bear! To keep up with the latest news,  you can follow them on twitter or become their fan on face book.  If you're looking for the refreshing summer drink, you should definitely take the Hint!

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***