Friday, October 22, 2010

Dannon “Give Hope With Every Cup” Campaign!

Dannon is a company that will always have my loyalty because they support the battle against breast cancer. I definitely plan to participate in their  "Give Hope with Every Cup" Campaign. Its a wonderful way to help make a difference. I have heard so many inspiring survival stories. My own grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer in her eighties and lived another ten years before she died of an unrelated illness. My great-aunt had her breast removed but she is still kicking at ninety today!  But I also have many friends who have loved ones who lost their battle with cancer. But with programs like this one, we can all be part of working towards finding a cure.
This is how the campaign works. You just buy  Dannon's great tasting yogurt like you normally would, eat it, and enjoy. It doesn't matter if its Light and Fit, Activia, or any of your other favorite varieties. But when you're done, look on the lid for the unique code. Then log onto Cups of Hope. Enter the code and your email address.  For every code entered, Dannon will donate 10 cents to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc (NBCF) up to $1.5 million. That can really make a difference. And its so easy! You don't have to worry about collecting messy lids or mailing them in. Just log in the code and you're done!  Check out this commerical with Heidi Klum to learn more:

While you're visiting the Cups of Hope website be sure to check out all the amazing and inspirational stories of those who have battled breast cancer and won. Learn how Dannon and the NBCF are using your donations to make a difference. And make sure to spread the word to all your friends on face book. Dannon is making it easy for us to make a difference. Don't pass up on this opportunity to give hope because you never know when you may be the one who needs it.
***I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by  Mom Central on behalf of Dannon. In addition, I received a gift certificate and products to thank me for taking the time to participate***