Saturday, August 7, 2010

Playmates Toys I Carly Web Show Set Video Review

ICarly is one of the hottest shows on TV. My kids both love it and always pretend that they are a part of the cast. But now they don't have to pretend anymore! Thanks to Playmates Toys anyone can be just like Carly, Sam, and Freddie and create their own web show.

The Web Show Set comes with lots of carboard cut outs of all the main characters as well as props, back drops, and an instructional DVD.  The DVD provides easy step by step instructions of how to use the set to make it look like you're on the web show with Carly. They also give you suggestions on how to pick a theme and how to make the show unique, as well as explaining how to write a script.  With the help of the plastic rods you can make make Carly and Sam move around the set just like they in real life.

In addition to the Web Show Set, you can purchase some really cool extras like Sam's Remote which has sound effects, applause, and of course random dancing. Other props include microphones, Freddie's Sound Effects machine, Spencer's Robot and more. These will help make your show more realistic and fun.  Check out what my kids did with their toys in this video. They did this all on their own-I just held the camera for them. Part of the picture gets cut off if you watch in on my blog (you can't see Carly)-Click on it to see it in full screen.

We also got to try out the Truth or Dare Gummy Bear. It contains more than 500 questions and dares. It can help you with your web show but its also fun on car trips and parties, or just about anytime. All in all, my kids were thrilled with the set of ICarly toys and games. They would make an excellent gift that helps to encourage kids' imagination.  I would definitely recommend these toys to any one who has an ICarly fan in their household.

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***


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