Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Cute Swimsuits for Every Shape at LightInTheBox.com


The warm weather is finally here and that means its time to hit the beach. Luckily LightInTheBox.com, the chic within reach online retailer, has swimsuits that will make anyone feel confident at the beach! If you want to look good, but not break the bank, LightInTheBox has daily flash sales where you can find tons of beachwear at blowout prices. LightInTheBox.com has the best products to flatter every shape and size – at a fraction of the cost! Each day they feature products, such as accessories, athletic wear, housewares, jewelry and more, at deeply discounted prices. There is guaranteed to be something for everyone!

I picked out a beautiful black and white tankini for my daughter. I've always been a little nervous about buying swimwear online. I thought it would be hard to match up the pieces or get just the right fit. But at LightInTheBox I learned that online shopping for a swimsuit or bikini can be easy and fun. With dozens of styles and colors of bathing suits  to choose from, you can find just the right swimsuit for any occasion. The set we picked is super comfortable and gives plenty of support in all the right areas. It's a versatile piece you can wear on the beach or walk home in without feeling self-conscious. I love the black and white color scheme and flattering bodice.

Of course, this is only one example of the amazing swimsuits at LightInTheBox. Here are a few other selections that I really love.

If you see something you like, be sure to take advantage of it now. With prices so low, things move quickly on this site, but great new merchandise is added daily. To see all the great deals LightIntheBox.com has to offer, be sure to visit their website. To keep up with new products and promotions, follow them on face book or twitter.