Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Calling All Dr. Moms -- Children's Advil Fever Relief Bring You Fun Sick-Day Activities


Cold and flu season is in full swing. Unless we're extra lucky, sooner or later we'll all have our kids home for a sick day.  No one likes to see their children suffer, but Children’s Advil® has some great ideas on how to make sick days go by a little faster, make doctors visits not so scary, and make medicine a little easier to swallow.

Every little one should have a doctor's kit to help them get over their fear of the pediatrician. You can play with all the different pieces and show your children that it won't hurt when the doctor listens to their heart and checks for a fever. Do an exam of them and let them do one on you. They can even practice on their dolls and stuffed animals. Once kids see there's nothing to be afraid of, they'll settle down at the doctor's office.

When kids are home sick, the last thing I want is to have them watching television and playing video games all day. Arts and crafts are a great way to keep kids entertained when they can't go outside to play.  I especially love these Crayola activity pads because the markers only work on the book. This way they can color on the sofa or even in their beds without having to worry about getting the ink all over everything.

With Children's Advil, taking medicine to bring down their fever and make them feel better doesn't have to be a battle. Children's Advil comes in lots of great tasting flavors including Bubble Gum, Blue Raspberry and Dye-free White Grape. Each box comes with detailed instructions on how large a dose to give your child based on their weight. Just one dose can provide up to eight hours of relief.

For even more fun ideas, you can visit the Children's Advil face book page. There you can find tons of ways to help pass the time when kids are feeling under the weather. They have activities, crafts, recipes and more, all of which you can do in the comfort of your jammies.  Kids can create their own play list with all their favorite things to do including playing cards or looking at old photo albums.  They also offer advice on how often to check temperatures and when to drink fluids.  You can find everything  you need in one place. So while we all hope the kids will stay healthy, if the bug does hit, you can trust Children's Advil to bring the smile back to their faces a little faster.


Unknown said...

Its an excellent idea to plan "jammie" activities when a child is sick. By doing so a child can keep calm while doing enjoyable activities and even games although not video. I would suggest using a "Dr. Kit' for preparing a visit to the Doctor's visit to relive anxiety as well.

Root Connect said...

What a cute idea! It seems I am never prepared for "sick days" and we end up cuddling on the couch all day watching the "dreaded" television, but hey... at least I get in some snuggles. ;) That doctor kit would be Perfect!

CindyWindy2003 said...

Looking through family albums and watching a movie always made me feel better when I was a kid.

Joyce Ackley said...

A Doctor's Kit toy is a perfect way to role play, and it helps the child get over fears of the doctor. My grand daughter uses her toy stethoscope to listen to her teddy bear's heartbeat, and she checks her dolls' temperature with her toy thermometer.

Jan Lee said...

I like the ideas for when kids are sick. Our pediatrician told us to use children's Tylenol and not Advil because Advil is Ibuprofen and could have worse side effects in children, than Tylenol.

Unknown said...

reading books always helps

Unknown said...

Anything that helps soothe a sick child is a good thing. I remember my mother kept a supply of toys (for me Barbies) in her closet for when we were ill, we would get a new toy.

Diane Elizabeth said...

Dr kits are a great idea! I sure wish there had been dye-free medication when my kids were small.

VickieC said...

that is a awesome ideal,,going to do this for the grandkids

Sue Hull said...

I'll have to get some Advil to have on hand.I watch my nieces sometimes when they're not feeling good.I love the Crayola Barbie coloring book w/pens.I actually bought one of these and they kept my niece busy for over an hr.

gorda361 said...

this is great idea thanks im going to try this with my kids

An Apel a Day said...

That's a great thing to have when a kid gets sick. Kids love care packages. The meds help to.

My youngest has not wanted to stay out of my face, and I have a double ear infection.

He said, "Mom I want to get sick. Then I can lay on the couch, and watch whatever movie I want." Stinker!

Unknown said...

What a great idea to have a doctor's kit for children to lessen their fear of the doctor. I would never have thought of that. Thanks for this great tip.