Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Baby Trend Inertia Car Seat - Review

**Product was received in exchange for a honest review!**

Look up in the sky! It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a superhero! 

Who wouldn’t want to have super powers? Invisibility, flying, x-ray vision, they all sound great! For a parent however, one of the best super powers would be the ability to protect their child. Whether you are on a cross country road trip or just getting from point A to point B there is no need to call for help.

Baby Trend released the Inertia car seat that features super technology that makes it easy to keep your child safe and comfortable.  Using LATCH connectors the Inertia eliminates complications and the worry of proper installation; you simply click the seats stay-in-car base into the vehicle anchors, push onto the brace and rear of the car seat to tighten into the vehicle and tighten the brace ratchets. This and other great features make the Inertia an excellent back seat hero. 

Visit the Baby Trend website and check out the Inertia! Click here for the Inertia Car Seat

Our Thoughts

After having 4 children you get to a point where you use the car seat that is safe but least expensive and it's not always comfortable for the kiddo. We had been looking at a new car seat for Mackenzie but when she came about two weeks before her due date, we didn't have a choice but to use the car seat Merrick had been in a few years back. I can remember with the old car seat that Merrick would start fussing about an hour into a trip. We used to have to stop and adjust him and figure out what the problem was. He was just not comfortable in the seat. Well, Mackenzie ended up not being comfortable in the car seat either. We had made a trip to the cabin when she was two weeks old, an hour into the trip we were stopping and adjusting her, trying to nurse her and trouble shooting problems. 

I was über excited when the opportunity came up to be able to review the Inertia. I've always heard good things about Baby Trend, their seats, their strollers... You name it and if it's Baby Trend brand, I've heard only good things!  The second the car seat arrived on my door step, I took it out of the box and started figuring out what I needed to do to set it up for Mackenzie. It didn't take too long because I didn't have to do anything. It was ready for her to be set in and installed in my Envoy. Even if we would've needed to move the straps higher it would've just taken a turn or two of the adjuster knob on the back of the seat itself. I don't know of any other car seat that is THAT easy to get ready for baby! 

Inertia Seat
Inertia Base

As soon as my hubby got home, I had him install the base to the seat in our Envoy. It was as simple as could be too!  He got the one side of the base clipped to the latch anchors in the seat and was easily able to quickly get the other side latched too! Pushing back the handle on the base, we were ready to load Mackenzie and go. Very, very, very simple!  

Mackenzie in her new seat for the first time.
We didn't have any long trips to the cabin planned but we noticed that Mackenzie didn't fuss when we put her in the car seat from the beginning! She seemed to enjoy the seat unlike the old car seat. But just this past weekend we gave the seat the true test. We headed to the cabin!  The cabin is about a two to two and a half hour drive north of us. That is a really long time for an infant or any child to be in a car seat. Heck, I even get antsy to get out of the truck by the time we get there. This time though, Mackenzie SLEPT the whole trip up to the cabin! She was actually a HAPPY baby when we took her out of her seat! She loves the seat! 

I would recommend this seat to anyone in need of a new infant seat. It's easy to install, it's comfortable for baby and the best is that it's not very expensive. 

The cold weather boot that is provided with the car seat. 
***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. The opinions expressed in the review are my own and were not influenced in any way.***