Tuesday, September 1, 2020


Acorn TV features the DVD debut of BBC One’s thrilling romantic drama GOLD DIGGER on August 11, 2020. Emmy award-winning actress Julia Ormond (Mad Men, Howard’s End) and acclaimed actor Ben Barnes (The Chronicles of Narnia films, Westworld) star in this twisty British “domestic noir” about a woman who meets a much younger man on her 60th birthday. As the pair’s relationship grows, her three adult children wonder if their mother’s new boyfriend is in it for love or for money. Now on a two-disc DVD set ($39.99, Amazon.com) with a behind-the-scenes featurette, Gold Digger previously premiered  on Acorn TV in May. Called a “glorious streaming service… an essential must-have” (The Hollywood Reporter), AMC Networks’ Acorn TV is North America’s most popular and largest streaming service featuring high-quality television from Britain and Beyond.
Written and created by Marnie Dickens (Thirteen), this six-part romantic drama follows Julia Day (Ormond), a recently-divorced woman who’s feeling increasingly detached from her three grown children and not sure of her place in the world. She considers Benjamin—a thirty-something copywriter with a shrouded past—a second chance, a companion who makes her feel whole for the first time in years. However, her children and ex-husband are suspicious of her new lover and his motives. A dark family secret has also been buried for several decades—a trauma that has impacted their personalities and decisions in the present.
Playing Julia's family is Alex Jennings (The Crown) as Julia’s ex-husband Ted; Sebastian Armesto (Poldark, Broadchurch) as the high-achieving eldest son Patrick, always trying to be an honorable man despite his own flaws; Jemima Rooper (Lost In Austen, Trauma) as Della, the middle child whose finger is permanently on the self-destruct button; and Archie Renaux as Leo, the baby of the family who still lives with his mother and idolizes his father. The series also stars Julia McKenzie (Agatha Christie's Marple) as Ted's mother, Hazel.  

Street Date: August 11, 2020                                                                                             SRP: $39.99
DVD: 6 episodes (50 min. each)  -- Approx. 300 min. –SDH Subtitles – UPC 054961285099
Bonus: Behind-the-scenes featurette (21 min.)

My Thoughts

Gold Diggers is a new series that centers around a middle-aged woman named Julia Day. After a messy divorce, she meets a younger man who set her heart on fire. Her children don't approve and think he's after her money, but as they dig deeper, they  learn their mother may be the one with the secrets. The first season includes six episodes:

Her Boy - Julia is depressed about turning 60 until a handsome name named Benjamin catches her eye.

Her Daughter - Julia wants to get away with Benjamin after a big blow up with her ex. When she meets his friends, she gets suspicious. 

Her Rival - Julia runs into her former best friend who slept with her ex. Patrick and Della try to convince her Benjamin is cheating,

Her Husband - Julia agrees to marry Ben and tell her kids during Christmas dinner.

Her Baby - Ben's half brother makes a surprise appearance. Leo tries to get his parents back together.

Her Love - Julia learns Ben has a secret. She confront Ted on her wedding day. Then she disappears before the wedding.

This was a really different series with lots of thrills and a unique story line. I'm looking forward to seeing how they pick things up in the second season. If you want to order a copy of this amazing DVD set for yourself, you can find it online at Acorn Media or on Amazon.


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