Thursday, August 11, 2016

Tekno Newborns - Toy Robot Puppies

Boys and girls will have two different options to choose their Tekno Newborn:  puppy and kitty.  Through a sprinkling of artificial intelligence, both will offer real life and augmented reality play such as nurturing, touch sensitive petting, light-up expressive eyes and most of all the ability to jump into your child’s hands.

Ages 3+ available at Walmart and other major retailers this August for a $14.99 MSRP.

My Thoughts

My daughter was just thrilled with the Tekno Newborns. This toy robot is so much fun, and really easy to use.  He does all types of tricks. He can jump, wiggle his ears, and can even be programmed to sing.  If you have more than one, they will interact with each other. My daughter's favorite feature was when he jumped in her hand. 

Tekno newborns are touch sensitive and makes noises and move whenever your pet them. Batteries are included. The only minor issue I had was that the ears and legs do come of really easily. They snap back on, but keep this in mind if you have younger children. This could present a choking hazard. Overall, though, this is a great toy and something any child would love to see under the tree this holiday season. It's certainly less work than a real puppy! 

You can grab a Tekno Newborn for yourself on the Genesis Toys website. You can also find them at Walmart.