Friday, May 6, 2016

Hydrate with Detoxwater

For busy moms, health can sometimes be put on the back burner. Often, moms never drink enough water and don’t have time for their everyday beauty regimes. 
Detoxwater, can now be used as your secret weapon for both! It is filled with electrolytes and vitamins, such as vitamin C and a full range of vitamin B. This aloe infused water is a delicious, healthy way to keeping hydrated without feeling guilty – as it only contains 15 calories per serving.
Aloe is used widely in many beauty and health products today, and has a plethora of benefits when ingested. It promotes skin health and aids in anti-aging as well as inflammation. 
Connect with Detoxwater

My Thoughts
This was my first time trying water with aloe in it. I liked the label the most for the Detoxwater because it was low in sugar. Many times "health" drinks are packed full of sugar, but not Detoxwater. It had 4g of sugar per serving. Each bottle was 2 servings, so if drinking the whole thing it was 8g total and 30 calories. Not bad at all.
The term detox made me think this was going to have a detox effect on me. I didn't notice any difference while drinking this or the days after. It didn't cause me to have to use the restroom more or anything like that. It was just a good smooth drink.
My husband and I both tried it, and the liquid being smooth is the first thing we noticed. It went down easy and was refreshing. The Mangoaloe was my favorite, and Original coming in at a close second. I like the PinaMint too and I didn't think I would because I'm not a pineapple fan. However, this wasn't strong in fruity flavors. 
The drinks were refreshing. I usually try to drink water all day but being able to add this in as one of my drinks was a big plus. I really enjoyed the samples I received and would love to get more Detoxwater in the future.