Saturday, April 25, 2015

Stay Fresh All Month Long with Carefree! #freshisfierce #refreshvoxbox

Some of the best accessories are ones only you can see. Carefree® Acti-Fresh® liners are designed to deliver freshness, thanks to an 8-hour odor control system. These thin liners feel as soft and thin as a panty, so all you feel is confident.

That’s why Carefree® Acti-Fresh® liners aren’t just a period thing. They’re a feel-fresh-and-ready-for-anything thing! Put it on, then take it off a few hours later and voilà! Fresh panties anytime, anywhere. Period not required.
 My Thoughts

Pantyliners aren't just for when you have your period.  Women can use them to feel fresh all month long! When it comes to everyday protection, I always turn to Carefree. They have you covered in all areas, including moisture and odor control. I've used them for years during my period, but the last few years, I've taken to wearing a pantyliner everyday to help me stay fresh and fierce.

Carefree Panty Liners are so super think, you won't even notice you have then on, but they protect you against embarrassing moisture or when if Aunt Flo stops by a little early. Despite their thin size, they have maximum absorbing power.  Just one can last all day.

In addition to their superior quality, Carefree liners are also discreet. The cute little packs are so small, no one will notice if you have one in the palm of your hand. But even if they do, the pretty flowered design won't give your secret away. When it comes to staying fresh and fierce, Carefree is the only way to go.

If you'd like to learn more about Carefree  or the Fresh is Fierce website and all they have to offer, be sure to visit their website or follow them on face book.