Saturday, January 17, 2015

Save Money Buying in Bulk with - #Discount Code

I have always loved the convenience and savings of buying certain products in bulk. With six people in our house, it makes sense to shop this way. However, the closest warehouse store is over an hour away. Though I love saving money, I don't like packing up four kids for an hour ride each way. Even with our van, that doesn't leave enough room in the car to make it worth the trip. Plus, there's a membership fee. Which would be worth it if I could go once a week, but when I'm only making it there a few times of year, it doesn't make sense. I had just given up on bulk shopping. Then, this week, I discovered Boxed.

Boxed is an online wholesale store. They bring you lots of products from some of your favorite big name brands like General Mills, Nabisco, Quaker, Charmin and many more. They even carry some green and organic products including Mrs. Meyers and Horizon Milk. For the first time ever, you can have the convenience of doing your bulk shopping from the comfort of your home, and have the items delivered right to your door. No lugging those heavy packages back from the store.  There are no fees to sign up, and their prices are just amazing. For just under $100, I was able to cash in on some pretty amazing deals.  Here is a run down of what I purchased:

52 Pack of Quaker Instant Oatmeal - $9.99
52 Oz Oreos - $8.99
48 Nature Valley Bars - $15.99
30 Rolls of Charmin - $21.99
4 Pack of Lysol - $10.99
9 Pack of Mr. Clean Erasers - $9.99
Bottle of 360 Advil - $18.99
Boxed Large Bag Clip - $.01

I found these prices to be outstanding. They are actually lower than my local warehouse. I actually compared some of the prices, and Boxed beat them by a few dollars every time. I wish I had discovered Boxed a few years ago, before my kids were all potty trained, because their diapers are a steal! They even give you free shipping on your first order. Speaking of ordering, I placed my online order around 6pm on Thursday, and my box arrived Friday morning. I'm not even sure how they pulled that off, but that is certainly what I call lightning fast shipping.

Want to give Boxed a try? Now would be a great time.  You can save $20 off your first order by entering the code UT6DY.  Since you'll also get free shipping, it's a great chance to try this service for yourself. I'm sure you'll be as hooked as I am. I already referred my mom and she placed an order of her own.When you sign up, you'll also get a referral code your friends can use to sign up. If they use your code, they get $20 off their first order and you get a $10 voucher when their order ships. It's a great way to save your friends some time and money while racking up the savings for yourself. To learn more about Boxed and all they have to offer, be sure to visit their website or follow them via their social media.

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user449008 said...

Cheaper than my local SAMS!

An Apel a Day said...

I bet your kids loved getting the Oreo treat!

Sandra Watts said...

That is something I am going to have to look into.

rochelle said...

This is nice need to try this

Denise Taylor-Dennis said...

These are pretty good prices, I will have to check this out.

Shannon said...

I have never heard of this site before, thank you for sharing and these are great deals.

Sarah Matos said...

Very similar to our local wholesale club. Personally I like shopping for groceries and household supplies but Im sure this is convenient for some.

Anonymous said...

I love getting the benefits of a "warehouse" membership without the annual fee. Although I haven't ordered yet, I browsed the site and love it. The category and ease of search could be better though.

Unknown said...

I've never heard of this service. Thanks for sharing!

Halsted said...

I have never heard of Boxed and I love the fact there is no membership fee and they deliver. I can't wait to try them - the prices sound fantastic. Thanks for the savings code.

Jerry Marquardt said...

I have never heard of this, so I am glad that you let me know of it. I am going to plan to use this now and thank you for helping us out.

Buddy Garrett said...

It sounds great.

lilyk said...

This website looks very useful. Thanks for sharing!