Sunday, December 21, 2014

Start the New Year Right - Sustainable Earth by Staples

When it comes to New Year's resolutions, keeping our planet clean and healthy should  be at the top of the list. There are lots of ways we can make a difference. Just one of those ways is my making wise purchasing decisions. Whether you're looking for office products or paper plates for parties, Staples can help.  Sustainable Earth by Staples are eco-preferable products made with renewable resources, recycled materials and/or are third-party certified to validate their environmental attributes. Here are just a few examples of the products they offer:

Glass cleaner and  Multipurpose cleaner products are the perfect way to keep your home clean and green. Whether you want windows that shine or to to cut through tough grease on your counter top, these cleaners get the job done without harsh chemicals. The packaging is also biodegradable.

Whether it's for an office party or a holiday get-together, these compostable cold cups are the perfect choice.  They won't leak or crack, but they are also biodegradable so you won't have to worry about them sitting in a landfill somewhere. Great for serving sodas or cocktails.

The Sustainable Earth Compostable Plates are something to rave about. They are nice and thick so you'll never cut through the plate with your knife or have pizza grease leak all over your hands, but they are a better choice for the environment. They make for easy cleanup without any guilt. 

Last but not least, this sturdy cutlery will complete your table settings. They have forks, spoons, and knives, all available for affordable prices.

These are just a few of the awesome green products in the Sustainable Earth line. They also have notebooks, calculators, pens and so much more. To view the full collection be sure to stop in the store or visit their website. To keep up with future projects and promotions, follow Staples on face book or twitter