Friday, October 10, 2014

Keep Your Kids School Supplies Safe with Safety Tat

It happens more than we like - sippy cups, backpacks, school supplies - they get lost, never to reappear. Anywhere Labels by the ID Experts at SafetyTat are brand new uber-durable and attractive labels - personalized with a name and an optional phone number.

Anywhere Labels are dishwasher, washing machine and microwave safe. Available in a variety of colors and patterns in tag or adhesive form, Anywhere Labels will help keep track and identify possessions with ease.

Our Thoughts

When our kids go back to school, as a parent you worry about them loosing certain items. At least I know that I worry about them loosing things like their lunch box, tupperware and water bottles. As they get older we worry about the kids loosing things like their cell phones and other more important things. These SafetyTat labels are great for making sure that these kind of items are returned home!

SafetyTat sent us some labels to try and I was quite thrilled to be trying them because I send water bottles with my two oldest boys to school. These labels have been fantastic in identifying their water bottles and making sure that they get home. The labels also have my cell number on them so that if need be someone finding the lost item(s) can call me. They hold up well in the dishwasher. They are not like stickers at all. I would highly recommend these labels for any use you can deem appropriate!

You can go to the SafetyTat website and see the other fabulous products they have to offer! 


kymom13 said...

I love that these tags are microwaveable and washable! They seem like high quality!

Sarah Matos said...

I am always in need of these tags/labels. I love how durable they are.

Deborah Dumm said...

I love that they are washable.

Unknown said...

These look very durable and are so good for kids losing things! Love 'em!

Sandra Watts said...

These are great. I could use a bout a billion! LOL

JewelWood said...

I really like these for labeling important stuff that would otherwise get lost! I like the colors!

Unknown said...

This would help eliminate the loss items that never return!! thanks for the heads up about this great product.

An Apel a Day said...

They are great. It's cool because things do not get lost so easy.

Unknown said...

These are very nice. I could use them for my grandkids and the rest of the family

Unknown said...

Yeah, so.. my daughter lost TWO (yes 2) lunchboxes, and her pencil case with all of her supplies all within the first two weeks of school!! I wish I would have had these to recover them!!

Robin Wilson said...

School supplies are expensive and the thought of them getting lost and having to replace them is frustrating. These are a great product.

Marnie G (Derrick Todd) said...

These are GREAT!! I need these for my husband -- he brings things to work in our pyrex o Tupperwear and I never see it again. These would also be great to put on your phone (if you have a code that locks the screen) so hopefully a good Samaritan would call if lost.