Tuesday, April 22, 2014

aden + anais "Hayden's Heart" Swaddle Blanket

It is our pleasure to introduce the aden +anais’ “Hayden’s Heart” swaddle blanket. Inspired by Hayden Dorset, a young boy who lost his battle with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) but touchedthe lives of many long after his time here on earth.

On March 12, 2012, Hayden was born with a very rare birth defect called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Much of Hayden’s time on earth was spent in and out of the hospital and after just 5 months with his family, Hayden passed away.

The Hayden’s Heart swaddle was inspired by Hayden after his mother, Ady, wrote Raegan Moya-Jones, CEO of aden + anais and mother of four herself, a beautiful letter sharing their story. Whether it was nap time or bedtime, Hayden couldn’t fall asleep without the comfort of his aden + anais muslin swaddles.

Congenital Heart Disease is the #1 cause of birth defect-related deaths, and the leading cause of all infant deaths in the US. The collection will benefit Hayden's Heart, a not-for-profit whose mission is to raise awareness for CHD and help families affected by CHD with the burden of medical and travel expenses. 

For more information on Hayden Dorset, his family and Hayden's Heart, please visit here.

Our Thoughts

Babies being squished in the womb definitely like to be held close and tight when they've been welcomed to the world. Swaddling is such a great thing to do for baby and to give mom and dad a break of baby-holding to get some things done!

I'm a bit paranoid about "over-heating" or having my baby be too cold so I'm happy to be able to test out this material. It is very lightweight and breathable, long enough to be swaddles without it constantly coming undone like other normal blankets that I've used to try and swaddle. The review package came with more than one blanket for me too so I am really appreciative of that, now I have multiple for those spit-up mis-haps :)

I love that this blanket is representative of sweet Hayden, such a heart-breaking story, RIP little one.

Buy your swaddle blanket here, and check them out on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest too!

Reviewed by Jackie


An Apel a Day said...

I heard these are the best swaddle blankets there are. I wish I knew about them 9 years ago. I would have stocked up.