Monday, February 10, 2014

Week #1 - Kohl's Spring Cleaning Challenge

When it comes to spring cleaning and organization, Kohl's has you covered. This spring, Kohl's has challenged me to get more organized and I accepted  that challenge with enthusiasm. I'm starting off the fun with my laundry room. I was gifted with a $200 gift card to facilitate my review and that kind of money goes a long way at Kohl's. There are tons of items I  can use to help me make the most of this tight space.

To start off, I picked out the Whitmor Laundry Drying Rack. There are always a few items that can't go into the dryer and I never know where to put them. In the winter, it's too cold to hang them outside and I prefer not to leave my unmentionables out where people can see them anyway.  I'm hoping this item will give me a convenient spot for line drying. What's great about this piece is that it's collapsible. So when you're not using it, you can fold it up and hide it in the corner. It slides perfectly right in between my washer and dyer. Setting back up takes literally seconds. Even when its open it doesn't take up that much space.

Next on my list was the Neu Home Water Hyacinth Hamper.  It's so pretty and stylish, it can blend in with you decor so you forget its true purpose. It even has a lid that locks out the odor of sweat and grime on dirty clothes. This hamper is lightweight but has tons of room inside. I love the weave design on the basket. It looks great in bedrooms but can also be used to organize the laundry room. I plan to get one for every bedroom in the house! It has other uses too! I always use hampers to store my children's stuffed animals but that is only one idea

 I really love both of these items! They are a great way to keep your laundry from getting out of hand.  As an added bonus, many of the items in the Storage and Organization section at Kohl's are currently buy one get one half off! So you can save tons of money on their already low prices.  These are only a few of the items I was able to pick up at their store. I still have some more shopping to do online so I'll be back again next week with more great organization products available from Kohl's!
From cleaning supplies to storage, they have it all under one roof and all for the best possible prices. To keep up with all the great products at Kohl's, be sure to check out their website or follow them on face book.