Monday, April 1, 2013

Dirty Jobs Complete with Oxygen Power Review

***Complimentary product received in exchange for an honest review***

In a house with four kids, two pets, and one chef husband, I certainly deal with my fair share of messes.  When its time to wash my laundry, its always a nightmare.   My toddler likes to spit her juice out on herself and wipes her mouth on her sleeve. My older kids spill ketchup and mustard on themselves at school. Formula is one of the toughest stains, and I don't even want to talk about my husband's chef clothes...There were times when I just wanted to admit defeat and throw away a whole hamper full of clothing. Thankfully, I have discovered the stain removing power of Dirty Jobs Complete with Oxygen Power, and now set in stains are a thing of the past.

I added a scoop of Dirty Jobs Complete to my regular laundry load, and I was amazed at the difference it made. I tossed in a bunch of clothes I was getting ready to throw away. They weren't even good enough for the good will pile. There was a white pair of pants that Willow decided to write on with a pen, a onesie with strawberry stains, grass stained  jeans, and a chef suit that looked like it had visited a slaughter house. After one wash with Dirty Jobs, the stains were completely gone. And not only did it remove the stains, it also just brightened up the clothes. They really looked brand new.

But wait, there's way more to Dirty Jobs that just clean laundry. I also tried it out on some pesky pet stains, and those are now a thing of the past.  We used it to remove crayon marks after Willow tried to use my husband's recliner as a canvas. I even used it to get tough mold stains off of a shower curtain I thought was going to have to be replaced. Dirty Jobs has made my job as a stay at home mom so much easier, I don't know how I ever got along without it.

If you would like to give Dirty Jobs Complete a try, it is available nationwide in Walmart.  To learn more about Dirty Jobs Complete, and all the cleaning products in the Dirty Jobs line, you can visit their website.

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***