Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Book Review - Transformed! The Science of Spectacular Living by Dr. Judith Wright and Dr. Bob Wright.

There is an ultimate science to transformative education and understanding how individuals learn, grow, and ultimately evolve their lives and businesses. Transformed! The Science of Spectacular Living, (December 18, 2012 , Turner Publishing, Inc., ISBN ; 987-1-61858-075-7) delivers readers from obsoleteskill training a learning experience that accelerates the journey to living the highest quality life possible a life of satisfaction, meaning, purpose, and happiness.
In Transformed! The Science of Spectacular Living, http://wrightliving.com/transformed/, Dr. Judith Wright and Dr. Bob Wright show the research behind what it takes to get the mind and heart behind life goals and how critical it is to have goals originate from deeper yearning. This training is a synthesis and application of research and methodology that brings together the best of neuroscience, positive psychology, behavioral economics, and education to bring about lasting change.
*       Mechanisms by which the mind either limits or leads to learning, growth, and happiness.
*       How to live life as an adventure.
*       New ways to live with heart.
*       Tapping into deeper personal truths.
“Judith and Bob Wright excel at connecting the dots between dreams and deliverables. Highly mutual and grounded in practicality, their tools and strategies have catalyzed key personal transformations in me that have been essential for growth and success in business and the world. I have deep respect for how they build on solid historical traditions of human development and transformation while also integrating the latest research and thinking from a range of modern scientific fields.”—MATT BOOTY, FORMER PRESIDENT AND CEO OF MIDWAY GAMES, INC.
The core skills for superior social & emotional intelligence: Research proves that social & emotional intelligence is the biggest factor in career success; enhances leadership ability and increases intimacy, strengthening relationships. It is also the most important factor in raising happy, healthy kids and can even enhance cognitive ability and strengthens the immune system. The authors share the neuroscience and research behind why most goals, resolutions, and programs don’t last in the long term.
Endorsed by leaders across many disciplines including:
*      Dr. Muhamad Yunus, Nobel Peace Laureate
*      Jack Canfield, best-selling author, The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
*      Brad Anderson, former CEO Best Buy
*      Barnet Bain, film producer, What Dreams May Come and The Celestine Prophecy

 Where to Buy

You can find Transformed! The Science of Spectacular Living in stores nationwide. You an also order both the ebook or print copies on Amazon.

Our Thoughts

When I first started reading this book, it was hard to get into. It kept saying how when you transform your life, you'll love it, but it seemed to never get into the "how" of transforming your life. Persevering, further into the book some snipits of information started to make sense in the how-to process. The big picture of this book can be summed up with the typical, "to talk the talk you must walk the walk". You must put your dreams into actions and step our of your comfort zone to grow as a person!

It gave insight in how to recognize your body actions and emotions to show whether you are or are not working towards your greater good. One of the things I liked the most is how this book broke down what we think we feel, into what we're really feeling. For example, if we want to be rich and famous, what are the main things we want? Love and respect, and then it gives you a blueprint from which to work on the love and respect, the rest will follow. Reading others stories of how they transformed their life was inspirational as well.

Reviewed by Jackie

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***