Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Gabby & Darron from Destiny are Blog Hopping with Disincentive Reviews!

I have been pretty busy lately with blog tours, but when Feta from Disincentive Reviews asked me to sponsor her Indie Author giveaway, there was no way I could turn her down. This young lady is a full time college student in Poland, and she still finds time to read and review tons of books. She is so amazingly supportive of Indie authors, I'm glad to see so many of us are supporting her right back.  Her Indie Giveaway is featuring 13 wonderful books (I have a feeling my friend Magaly from Pagan Culture will like that).  Each one has its own quick and simple entry form. Most are open worldwide. So if you want  a chance to read some great books, including Destiny & Destiny Unveiled. head over to her blog and enter! Also be sure to book mark her blog because she is always offering detailed reviews and giveaways.  Very soon, she will be reviewing all three of my books!