Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Father's Day Gift Guide - Fodada Men's Apparrel

My husband never buys his own clothes. I swear, I have no idea what he did before we met, but I'm the one who has to buy all his clothes. Yet, he's pickier than a teenager. If the clothes don't lay just right or the pockets aren't in the right place, he'll curl his lip in distaste. He won't actually complain--he wouldn't dare.  Instead, he'll continue to wear the shirt with holes in it instead of the new one that is too bright or has a collar. With someone this particular, its hard to find clothes he likes. But there are two things that he demands---comfort and simplicity. That is exactly what you'll find at Fodada.

We were lucky enough to receive a little sample product from Fodada just in time for Father's Day. Normally, I avoid getting review items for him, because I don't want to waste my time writing reviews about something I know he'll never use. Luckily, I was right when I thought he would love Fodada. Their styles are chic, but simple. There are no crazy insignias or florescent colors.  Just neutral colors that every man will appreciate. But more important that the color scheme is the sheer comfort of these clothes.  The fabric has been specially designed to provide superior comfort, and still maintain its shape and durability, even after dozens of washes. My husband is willing to attest to the comfort. He loves his new tee so much, I had trouble getting if off him to wash it. (Again, worse than the teens). But once I did wash it, I saw that the color did not fade, and even though I forget to take the laundry of the dryer until hours later, the shirt maintained its shape and was completely wrinkle free.

In addition to their stylish Tee-shirts, Fodada has hoodies, caps, cardigans and more, all offering the same quality and comfort. Prices are a little higher that what I am used to paying, but you aren't going to find this quality at regular department stores. In fact, Fodada is so confident that you'll love their products, and that they will hold up to even the worst your man can throw at them, they are willing to offer a replacement up to one full year after your purchase. With a guarantee like that, how can you lose?

Another thing I love about this company, is that they give back to the community. They support Giving Children Hope and Autism Speaks, a charity close to our hearts as my husband has an nine year old brother who is autistic. This makes them a company I am happy to support.  If you would like to learn more about Fodada and all they have to offer, you can visit their website. To keep up with future promotions and sales, be sure to become their fan on face book or follow them on twitter. This Father's Day, give your dad the gift of comfort with the Fodada Men's Line.

 ***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***