Saturday, January 14, 2012

Yala Designs Review, Discount Code, & $75 GC Giveaway

One of my New Year's resolutions is to treat everyday like its Earth Day. That means its important that we  remember to stay green from our head to our toes. One great way to get started is with the adorable all natural bamboo clothing as well as bedding and bath supplies you can find at Yala Designs. From onesies for your baby to adult size apparel, they have everything you need to keep your wardrobe clean and green at prices anyone can afford. You can find tons of high quality clothing as well as sleepwear and lounge wear that will make you feel like you're sleeping on a cloud.

For my review, I picked out the Bamboo Dreams Maxi Skirt in navy.  Bamboo provides longer wear and greater comfort than cotton and other materials. The light weight material doesn't way you down, but still keeps you warm even on these cold January days. The casual style makes it perfect for everyday wear, but its easy to dress up on more formal occasions. Its  so cozy you'll want to stay in this skirt all day, and you could even sleep in it at night if you wanted to. This lovely full length skirt is available in navy, black, and gray for only $79.

In addition to the bamboo skirt, Yala Designs also offers shirts and pants for both men sand woman, children's clothing, towels, lounge wear, bedding and so much more.   If you love all natural  products or even if you just love the feel of soft, cozy clothing against your skin, Yala Designs is a great company to shop with. And right now would be the perfect time to stock up. New Age Mama readers are being offered an exclusive discount. Just enter the code MAMA20 to receive 20% off your purchase. This offer is valid through 2/6/11.

One lucky winner is going to receive a $75 GC to go shopping at Yala Designs. To enter, just fill in the Rafflecopter form below. This giveaway will end on 1/13/12. The winner will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to reply. Thanks again to Yala Designs for offering this fantastic prize.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way.  Please note that I  am not responsible for the delivery of this prize and can not be held accountable if, for any reason, is it not received. Furthermore, I am in no way liable for any injuries that may result from the use or misuse of this product. ***


wizardewu said... 1

I like the Eye Bead Necklace.
eugeniewu at gmail dot com

Courtney B said... 2

i like the bamboo dreams onesie

vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com

Linda Kish said... 3

I like the Bamboo Dreams Roxie PJ Set

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Rebecca Williams said... 4

Bamboo Dreams® Bradshaw Dress
rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com

Jackie said... 5

I like the Organic Cotton Emily Wrap
Thank you!

BethElderton said... 6

I like the Bamoo Dreams 'Nora' gown
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

Kristen said... 7

I like the
Bamboo Dreams® Men's Long Sleeve Tee

Sally - Susan Franklin said... 8

I like the Bamboo Dreams® Journey Pants

Unknown said... 9

I love the Bamboo Dreams Crib Sheet!

Lagean Ellis said... 10

The dream sacks would be nice to have!

Sally - Susan Franklin said... 11

There was noextra info field. I did post to my blog

d schmidt said... 12

I like Bamboo Dreams® Scout Baby & Toddler Trousers

Anonymous said... 13

My favorite is the Bamboo Dreams® Zoe Gathered Top in scarlet and the Mala Bead Necklace

Kimberly said... 14

I like the Taza Print Bedding

Anonymous said... 15

I love the Bamboo Dreams® Taza Print Bedding

Daisy said... 16

love the Organic Cotton Aspire Long Pants

Charlotte said... 17

I really like Bamboo Dreams® Taza Print Bedding!

lovepoetes said... 18

I like the Bamboo Dreams pillowcases.

lovepoetes at aol dot com

Alex Liz R. said... 19

I like the bamboo dream long sleeve onesies.

arobinson45 (at)

Jennifer Rogers said... 20

Bamboo Dreams Circle Top is really cute for Summer!

Unknown said... 21

Fave: Organic Cotton Aspire Hooded Jacket
allnaturalkatie at gmail dot com

R. said... 22

I like the Bamboo Dreams Cozy Cropped Pants.

rebecca.nvcl (at)

PAIGE said... 23

My favorite item is the cashmere scarf. Ooooh la la.

Amber said... 24

My favorite is the Organic Cotton Aspire Hooded Jacket
Thank you for the giveaway :)

NGS said... 25

The Organic Cotton Aspire Long Pants look so comfy!!

Yvonne Woodstock said... 26

1st my very favorite thing that I would get if I win is the SILK Pillowcase! I read that using a silk pillowcase is antiaging and helps prevent wrinkles but I have never been able to afford to buy one myself.

2nd my 2nd favorite item are the Aspire pants in black


mkjmc said... 27

I love this tote Organic Cotton Mandala Tote

cw said... 28

love the organic cotton emily wrap

Unknown said... 29

I love the Clara tunic in black.
fatmeatloaf1 at gmail dot com

rj7777 said... 30

I like the organic cotton emily wrap. Rita Spratlen

rj7777 said... 31

I have your button at
I blogged about this giveaway at

pitufas_021 said... 32

Bamboo Dreams® Midara Print Bedding

HilLesha O'Nan said... 33

I love the Bamboo Dreams® Short Robe.

Shannon said... 34

bamboo dreams flirty nightie

lisa said... 35

GFC LisaMarie

Bonnye said... 36

I love the Bamboo Dreams® Olivia Long Sleeve Dress

Jade Rahl said... 37

<3 bamboo dreams bradshaw dress

Anonymous said... 38

I like the Bamboo Dreams® Kiss Me Cami

CherylS22 said... 39

I like the Bamboo Dreams® Women's Cropped Leggings.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Alacransita84 said... 40

I love the Silk Filled Comforter

Cristina Wyatt

aguero.crissy at

jenzen69 said... 41

I love the Bamboo Dreams® Short Skirt

Karen said... 42

I would love to try some of the Bamboo Dreams® Organic Cotton Ribbed Towels

Thanks, Karen
lemontart5kb at gmail dot com

deb c said... 43

I like the Organic Cotton Aspire Long Pants
missdeb1 at earthlink dot net

itsme said... 44

Bamboo Dreams® Olivia Long Sleeve Dress would be great for my daughter

Holly Hennessy Swint said... 45

I love the Silk Charmeuse Coverlet Bedding. Holly Hennessy Swint

Holly Hennessy Swint said... 46

There is no Extra Info box for my GFC name. I am astroqueen67 on GFC. Holly Hennessy Swint

LAMusing said... 47

I like the Greta Maxi dress

Unknown said... 48

I placed your button on my blog.


GFC: sreis87

Name: Sarah Walker


~ One Mommie and Two Boys ~ said... 49

I love it all.. And really need a pick me up for me andmy home. God bless. <3

Kari said... 50

I love the dreamsacks original bag!

Unknown said... 51

I love the bamboo dreams comforter cover in chocolate.

BellaJade said... 52

My favorite product is the Organic Cotton Mandala Tote
bellajade34 at yahoo dot com

clynsg said... 53

I like the Organic Cotton Peyton Smocked Top.

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

Diane Melendez said... 54

I really like the Organic Cotton Mandala Tote. It is beautiful and useful.

An Apel a Day said... 55

I like: DreamSacks Double Deluxe DreamSack®

Emillie Rose said... 56

Bamboo Dreams® Piper Dress

sweetsue said... 57

I am in love with the Bamboo Dreams® Midara Print Bedding.
smchester at gmail dot com

Kimberley Meier said... 58

Love the Bamboo Dreams Piper Dress!

Kimberley Meier
momof3chaos at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said... 59

My favorite item from Yala is the Bamboo Dreams® Zoe Gathered Top in Black!

kitty32504 at cox dot net

Unknown said... 60

love the zoe gathered top in black!

Misusedinnocence said... 61

The Elite Airline set!

Emillie Rose said... 62

blogged -

Aisling said... 63

The Bamboo Dreams® Journey Pants in Cassis are my favorite item. mcgillrmcgill(at)charter(dot)net

cman said... 64

Organic Cotton Aspire Long Pants.

hendy said... 65

My favorite product is the Bamboo Dreams® Organic Cotton Ribbed Towels
hendymartin1 at yahoo dot com
FB name: Hendy Martin

Hoa said... 66

I like the Organic Cotton Aspire Skirt.


Unknown said... 67

GFC: Katie
Email: allnaturalkatie at hotmail
Networked Blogs: all natural katie

contact: allnaturalkatie at gmail

Terri said... 68

I like the Bamboo Dreams® Skipper Short Sleeve Crew in Jade/with stripes.

Laura Jacobson said... 69

Oh I love the Organic Cotton Mandala Tote
landfjacobson @

John said... 70

LOVE the Silk Charmeuse Coverlet Bedding!

Kate said... 71

Love the Bamboo Dreams® Sasha Tunic!

russrpm said... 72

For my wife: the Bamboo Dreams Harlow top.

atydec said... 73

I like the Bamboo Dreams® Olivia Long Sleeve Dress in deep purple
edyta_c01 at yahoo dot com

cpage2323 said... 74

Bamboo Dreams® Greta Maxi Dress

trixie420247 at yahoo dot com

mary renshaw said... 75

I LOVE the greta maxi dress!! Just GORGEOUS!!!

Kathy P said... 76

i love the Bamboo Dreams® Mia Tunic

lmurley2000 said... 77

i like the peyton smocked top

Anonymous said... 78

I like the Bamboo Dreams® Circle Top. reejen at comcast dot net

Bethanny said... 79

Bamboo Dreams Crib sheet.
chacha6581(@) yahoo dot com

Julieh said... 80

I like the cashmere scarf (julie hawkins)

Salleefur/Jesselyn/Jesster said... 81

I couldn't narrow it down to just one! Three of my most favorite favorites are the Bamboo Dreams Journey Jacket and the Nadia Tunic and the Emily Wrap - among many many others!


Jennifer said... 82

I like the Bamboo Dreams Tessa Tunic!

Bakersdozen said... 83

I like the pink Bamboo Dreams® Charlotte Tunic. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Lisa Garner said... 84

My favorite item is the Bamboo Dreams Olivia Long Sleeve Dress!

Lisa Garner

Lisa Garner said... 85

GFC follower WWillows6
Subscribed with email lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
For some reason it accidentally clicked on the leave a blog post entry and I can't undo it. )-:

Lisa Garner

Timshaun said... 86

I love the Bamboo Dreams Mia Tunic in Black and mushroom

cadyokoh said... 87

My favorite product from Yala is the Cashmere Scarf.

cadyokoh at gmail dot com

Tylerpants said... 88

I'd love to have the Silk Fleece Throw in Green Tea. tylerpants(at)

bbrittbrat1398 said... 89

I love the bamboo dreams sheet set.

daveshir2005 said... 90

I like the Silk Charmeuse Coverlet Bedding in chocolate.

fb/ shirley greenawalt zolenski
twitter,gfc,stumble/ daveshir2005
google +/ shirley pebbles

daveshir2005 said... 91

blogged about giveaway

Organic Bamboo Comforters, Silk Comforters - ECO Friendly Natural Bedding said... 92

it's really appreciable message for every body thanks for sharing this information. Organic Bamboo Comforters

lambandlamb said... 93

Nice Post.
Valuable information.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Bamboo Clothing