Friday, September 2, 2011

Baby Bonanza! Zubels Organic Toys & Accessories Review

When it comes to the toys I give my baby, I am pretty particular. Its especially important to think about what toys are made from when you have little ones because inevitably, it winds up in their mouths. At Zubels, their adorable baby toys are handmade with only organic and eco-friendly materials. They are not only safe, but make for hours of fun for babies and their parents.

 For our review, we received one of the adorable Humpty Dumpty Zubels rattles.  I really love the nursery rhyme theme. This little guy is perfect for a baby's first toy. Nicky is only two weeks old, but he reached out to grab it and almost gave him a hug as soon as he saw it. Willow loved it just as much and kept stealing it from her baby brother, making it a great choice for toddlers as well. He is very soft and cuddly with a bell inside of it that makes a nice rattling sound. It is made from 100% cotton and colored with only eco-friendly dyes.

We also received one of their adorable knitted hats. It is in the design of a football, which daddy loves since he used to be caption of the football team. The hat is hand knitted with 100% organic yarn. Its nice and warm but not stifling. It is the perfect weight for the fall.  The material is soft so it won't make the baby's head itchy or let them get too sweaty. They are amazingly cute and functional, and so well made they can definitely get passed down to siblings or other family members once your baby outgrows them.

If you would like to learn more about Zubels and all they  have to offer, visit their website.   You can use their search to find a store near you that sells these cute little guys.  To keep up with the latest promotions, you can also follow them on face book.  Zubels would make a wonderful gift for a baby or a shower gift for a mom-to-be. Let your baby shake things up with Zubels today!

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***


Unknown said...

Your son makes the toys look even cuter. He is a such a little doll. I wish my boys were little again:)