Sunday, July 3, 2011

Another Awesome Destiny Review at Maria's Space!

I have been a long time follower of the  Maria's Space blog. I noticed that some of the books she reviewed seemed to be fantasy related and I also loved the fact that she calls her daughter Goddess. So I asked her if she would like to do a review of Destiny. I was thrilled when she accepted and even more excited when I read the glowing review she posted today. I know from reading Maria's blog that she does not mince words and if she didn't like it, she would have said so, even if it hurt my feelings. So the fact that she likes it, it a true honor. Check out Maria's review here. She is also hosting a giveaway for me. You can win a signed copy of Destiny and a package of incense!  While you're there, be sure to subscribe and/or follow her blog and enter all her awesome giveaways!


Maria's Space said...

Thanks so much for covering my review. I really did love it! When my niece comes she wants to read it but it can't leave the house because I want my daughter to read it when she gets older. Plus, I will add this print out to the front, so she can see it when she reads and knows I was given the opportunity thanks to her blog nickname. She will love it!