Friday, June 10, 2011

Get your Children's First Bike From Tyke Rider

Willow is getting bigger, and she is watching her older brother and sister ride their bikes with an envious eye. So I figured its time to start looking for a bike just for her. If  you have a toddler itching to get a set of wheels, a great place to look is Tyke Rider. The Tyke Rider is a balance bike that was created just for toddlers. There are no pedals. They just push it along with their feet. They are the perfect way to get your kids started on bike riding.

You might think the lack of pedals is strange. But unlike training wheels, this allows small children to start to understand the balance and control needed to ride a bike. By the time they are ready to move up to a regular bike, they probably won't need training wheels at all. Its a wonderful way to build security and confidence and still have fun. The bike is designed for kids ages 2-5. Don't forget that helmets are still necessary.

Early Rider Balance Bikes from Turnstyle Brands on Vimeo.

To learn more about Tyke Rider, and all they have to offer, you can visit their website. Right now they are offering free shipping on orders over $50, so its a great time to make a purchase. To keep up with future promotions, be sure to follow them on twitter or become their fan on face book. Give your toddler a fun and exciting summer and get them their first bike--the Tyke Rider--today.

    ***Please note that my writing this post, I was entered for a chance to win a Tyke Rider***