Sunday, December 19, 2010

Holiday Gift Guide - Dr, Suess What's in the Cat's Hat Review

There are only a few more shopping days left until Christmas. If you are still looking for that perfect gift for a preschooler, than I have a great last minute gift idea for you. Dr.Suess What's In the Cat's Hat ? is the perfect choice.  This fun guessing game is a wonderful way to challenge children's creativity and sensory skills using one of their favorite characters as inspiration. They will use their fingers, nose, ears and eyes to try to figure out what's hiding in the cat's hat.

Playing the game is easy. It comes with the the magical cat's hat as well as a set of exploration cards. All you have to do is pick any household item and hide it in the secret pouch inside the hat. It can be a toy, an apple, a shoe, a watch, a spoon--pretty much anything you can think of as long as its safe for little ones to handle.  Then the kids need to guess what it is. They can shake the hat, sniff it, and squeeze it through the hat.  There are even a few little windows you can peek through. But they have to pick a card first and see what it tells them to do. They may have to feel the hat with their elbows.  They can also pick cards that help you give them hints like "What are it's colors".  The first person to guess what its the hat will be the winner.

My children all enjoyed playing  Dr Suess What's in the Cat's Hat?. Even the older ones thought it was fun. What makes it so great is that there are endless possibilities of what you can put in the hat. So it never gets old. Its a great game for family game night.  If you are interested in getting this game for your own child, it is available in specialty stores as well as Toys R Us for the low price of $19.99.

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way.***