Saturday, October 2, 2010

Divine Birth CD Review

Meditation is an important part of my life. I try to meditate every night before I go to bed. I used to do it in the morning too, but now Willow usually gets up before me so its gotten difficult.  But I truly believe that mediation benefits your mind, body and soul. Whether you choose to meditate in silence or follow a guided CD, its a wonderful way to relieve stress, increase self awareness, and find inner peace.  When I was pregnant with Willow I spent time every day in meditation. It helps stimulate the bond between you and your unborn child. Even when I was in labor, I was able to meditate, which I believe is the reason I was able to deliver my last two children completely naturally.   Spirit Voyage is a company that specializes in meditation and other spiritual tools, and they recently released an amazing CD called Divine Birth that is perfect for expectant mothers.

Divine Birth was created by Snatam Kaur and her mother Prabju Man Kaur to help  deepen the blessing of pregnancy. It combines meditations and  Shabads which are devotional songs of the Sikh traditions. No matter what spiritual path you follow, you fill find this CD relaxing and captivating.  I may not understand the words, but the meaning still comes through clearly. The music is beautiful and the voice angelic.   In addition to being enjoyable to mothers, even unborn babies will relax when they hear this wonderful music. And my baby girl seems to enjoy it too. She quiets down as soon as  I turn it on. I have been playing it for her at night and it helps her to fall asleep.

If you are interested in Divine Birth, you can listen to clips here. The CD is available for purchase on the Spiritual Voyage website for the low price of $17.00. While you're there, make sure to check out all the other wonderful  CDs and DVDs they have available. You can also follow them on face book to keep up with all the latest releases.  Find the path to inner peace with Spiritual Voyage today.

***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this post. I did receive a sample of the product to try in order to write a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way. ***