Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mad Hippie Repair Butter Review

Since I hit thirty a few years back, I've started to worry more about wrinkles. I don't have many yet, but I'd like to keep it that way as long as possible.  Its important to find a good anti-aging product. But with so many skincare options out there, its hard to pick one that's right for you.  Are over the counter products good enough? If I buy $100 skin cream, is it really any better than the rest? I've found its best to come out somewhere in the middle. And one of the greatest skincare products I've tried to date  is the repair butter found at Mad Hippie.

I'll admit, just the name of the company intrigued me, being a bit of a hippie myself. So I emailed them as asked to do a review.  They were genrerous enough to send me their Anti Aging Face Cream called Repair Butter which I have been using for almost two weeks.  Like I mentioned before, I don't have many wrinkles yet, but the few I had were around my eyes, and I have noticed a slight decrease since I started using this product.  It does take 30-90 days to see any dramatic results which is standard with most skincare products. For me, I'm more concerned with prevention and the ingredients in this cream, like green tea, peptides, and Acai Berries are sure to keep me looking young for years to come. Plus these great ingredrients are all natural and keep my skin smooth and moisturized even in the dead of winter.

In addition to the Repair Butter, Mad Hippie has recently released their No More Crows eye serum, made with green tea and pomegranate.  You can get both products for the amazing low price of only $42 if you purchase them together. In comparison to some name brands, this is a great deal. Plus you're getting a product that's all natural so you don't have to worry about what kind of chemicals you're putting on your skin. They accept all major credit cards and have paypal as a payment option. They also  offer a 100% money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose by giving them a try. And just one more fact that I love-- Map Hippie donates 10% of all profits to Conservation International. So if you buy from Map Hippie, you're helping our planet while nurtuting your skin. If this isn't enough information to convince you, check out the Mad Hippie website for yourself to learn more about the great products they offer. You won't be sorry you did.


Sarah Clarke said...

Thanks for this great review! I have read some other good reviews of Mad Hippie Skin care and am going to have to give it a try!

Lucy James said...

Wow, I love the ingredients! Thanks for the review and letting us all know about Mad Hippie! I am going to go check out their site now. Keep the reviews coming!

Samantha Graffam said...

Really happy to find your review. I have been using Mad Hippie eye cream for a little now, and really love it. After checking out your review I am going to have to try out their face cream as well ;)

Olivia Spring said...

I have been reading a lot of really good reviews of Mad Hippie Skin Care. Their products look great and I can't wait to give them a try!

Amy Schenk said...

What a fun product to review. I have been enjoying reading your blogs and reviews but this Mad Hippie one really turned me on.

Thanks for the reviews of these funky companies and turning me on to some brands I've never heard of