Monday, October 12, 2020

Opioids Inc. DVD

 FRONTLINE: Opioids, Inc. The story of a drug company that pushed opioids by bribing doctors and committing insurance fraud. With the Financial Times, an investigation of how Insys Therapeutics profited from a fentanyl-based painkiller 50 times stronger than heroin.

Production Year: 2020
Discs: 1
Subtitles: Y
Subtitle Language: English (SDH)

My Thoughts

This documentary delves into the greed and dishonesty that has led to opioid addiction being a massive problem in the United States. The documentary investigates a drug company that pushed drugs on unsuspecting patients. They bribed physicians to push their products and made them so strong, it was nearly impossible to avoid becoming dependent. 

I experienced this crisis first hand when I lost a family member to opioid addiction after an auto accident. This DVD helps being to light a struggle that so many of us are facing right now. So often people belittle addicts when so many of them found themselves in this situation because they trusted their medical professionals. If you'd like to grab a copy of this informative DVD, you can find it  in stores nationwide or online at or Amazon.