Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ugly Christmas Sweaters for 2019!

We love the holiday season. And what's more to love than an Ugly Christmas Sweater? Whether you're attending an Ugly Sweater Contest or just going to your family Christmas dinner, you should definitely check out our wide variety of sweaters to choose from. We create original designs for everyone.

My Thoughts:

Image result for ugly christmas sweater 3d unicorn

I love the holiday season. Nothing says Christmas time like an awesome sweater! has always had some of the most unique styles I've ever seen. But when .I stumbled across their line of 3D sweaters, I was hooked! Their 3D line comes with a gorgeous and festive sweater accompanied with a stuffed animal to attach to the front and the back. I chose the 3D Unicorn and was thrilled with the quality!

Just like the photo, the sweater is mystically designed and oh so soft! It's nice and thick. You'll be toasty in it for sure. Attached to the front and the back of the sweater are velcro to secure the front and back of the stuffed animal. There are also pins if you need to secure your plush to the sweater more than the velcro can hold. They are safely hidden so no one will see if you do need the pins for extra help. I felt my unicorn plush was a bit more pastel blue than the display picture, though it's hard to grab on camera. Other than that, it is true to the photo and just as lovely in person!

If you are looking for a fantastic gift for yourself or a loved one, I highly recommend Ugly Christmas Sweater. Their site has something for the whole family to enjoy from character sweaters to comfy pjs and onesies. Everything is high quality and fun. You will not be disappointed! 

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