Friday, July 19, 2019

5 Ways to Perk up Your Breasts After Pregnancy

One of the biggest changes that you will go through during pregnancy is what will happen to your boobs. Not only will the size change due to milk influx, you may also have changes in nipple color as well as a change to the overall shape of your breasts. This is all part of the process that mothers go through however, there are ways to help with what happens to regain your boobs after. Check out our 5 ways to perk up your breasts after pregnancy.

Keep Breasts Supported

One of the biggest ways that you can help your boobs retain their perkiness is to make sure that you are wearing a supportive bra that helps with sagging breasts during all of the stages of your pregnancy and if you are breastfeeding afterwards.

Make sure that you have your correct size, and don’t be afraid to be remeasured once your breasts start expanding. Aim for comfort, support and versatility in your bra, so that you can use it throughout the different breast fluctuations you will experience during breastfeeding.

Mix Hot and Cold

Massaging your boobs offers multiple growth, antiaging, and potentially cancer fighting benefits. Another great thing about taking the time to give your girls a rubdown is that you can help tighten and tone them with a mix of hot to cold water.

After a night hot shower, or simply massaging your breasts, take a moment to splash them with cold water or cool your hands with ice before rubbing them again. The warmth from a hot shower or your hand helps with circulation, while the instant switch to cold works to tone, tighten and instantly lift your breast tissue.

Add Moisture

When you first start massaging, opt to take this time to rub a moisturizing lotion or coconut oil on and around your entire breast tissue. This works to moisturize your skin, helping it keep the elasticity so that you can prevent stretch marks in the beginning days of your pregnancy as well as help your breast tissue reduce down easily after.

Maintain Good Nutrition

While your body is growing another human being, you need to make sure that you are getting enough nutrition for them as well as you need to keep yourself in mind. Eating a lot of fresh greens as well as making sure that you always stay hydrated is the best way to take care of your boobs from the inside out during this time.

When you are dehydrated, your skin loses some of its elasticity. If you stay on the verge of under hydrated, then your skin can begin to sag more in places, since your skin is unable to retain itself. Making sure that you are drinking extra water, helps your skin stay in good health so that it can grow and reduce with you.


After pregnancy, most women are ready to see how much and how fast they can lose the baby belly. While this may seem like a great challenge, the best way to go about losing the weight it slower. You should aim for slow and steady to lose post-baby weight, this allows your skin and breast tissue to stay on the same page with changing.

If you lose the weight too last, then there is a chance you will have some leftover skin that didn’t get properly toned as you were in the rush to drop all the extra weight. Make sure that you mix good nutrition with different types of weight training and cardio exercise.


Getting your body and your breasts back to the way they were after pregnancy is a good goal to have, but at the end of the day, the best goal that you can make for yourself it one of acceptances. Growing another person is hard work, and your body pays some of the price. Aim to be proud of the boobs that you have and work to make them the healthiest that they are able to be.