Friday, March 29, 2019

In Focus Reiki: Your Personal Guide by Des Hynes

Divided into chapters channeling each body area and its common ailments and aches—including those on our pets—and fully illustrated, In Focus Reiki teaches the basics to this increasingly popular practice to reduce stress, depression, anxiety, and physical pain and tap into your inner healer.

Combined from the Japanese words Rei, meaning “God’s wisdom, universal life, or higher power” and Ki, meaning “life force or energy,” reiki is the healing practice of balancing our “universal life energy” around our bodies. Founded in the early twentieth century by Japanese Buddhist monk Mikao Usui with the underlying belief that our bodies have the natural ability to heal, reiki transfers healing energy by using the placement of hands to blocked areas.

The In Focus series applies a modern approach to teaching the classic body, mind, and spirit subjects, using expert authors in their respective fields and featuring relevant visual material to smartly and purposely illustrate key topics within each subject. As a bonus, seven illustrated meditation cards based on reiki principles are also included to give readers a quick, go-to reference guide containing the most important information on the subject, for easy practice and retention.

My Thoughts

This is a great book that touches on all the basics of Reiki. It begins with a short overview of the spiritual healing practice, and goes on to explain the degrees. There are also tips on aura cleansing, chakras, angels and spirit guides, and many other aspects connected to this practice. Throughout the book there are graphics to help understand the steps involved.

I am certified in Reiki II, but fell out of practice when I was raising my children. This book was a great refresher on the basics, but also provided me with some awesome new tips as well. It's a great addition to my library on spiritual healing, and I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in learning the basics of Reiki, brushing up old skills, or learning some new aspects.