Friday, January 20, 2017

Celebrate Valentine's Day with Teleflora's Hand-Made with Love Bouquets #HandmadeByTF #Teleflora.

This Valentine’s Day, choose a hand-made floral bouquet, professionally-designed and personally delivered by a Teleflora local florist in your neighborhood to show your loved ones how much they mean to you. Cherish your loved ones by sending a Teleflora floral gift that arrives straight from the heart. This thoughtful representation of YOU will be the talk of the office and home as a loving reminder of how special your Valentine is to you.
Since every Teleflora bouquet is professionally-arranged by a local florist, you can guarantee that every petal of your bouquet is freshly cut, carefully prepared and hand-made with love. Celebrate your loved ones with Teleflora’s “Hand-Made with Love” Valentine’s Day campaign this year with a floral gift that arrives straight from YOUR heart. All Valentine’s Day 2016 bouquets are available for sale now at in standard, deluxe or premium size options. Teleflora’s NEW Valentine’s Day floral arrangements and keepsake containers include:

Teleflora’s Shining Heart Bouquet (Available on for $79.95)
Lavish your Valentine with a gift that arrives straight from the heart! This radiant and stylish bouquet presents a vibrant mixed array of rich, red roses, purple alstromeria, huckleberry, and other lush floral stems professionally arranged within a shimmering red keepsake vase with satin finish that’s adorned with a sparkling rhinestone heart.          

Love’s Passion Bouquet by Teleflora (Available on for $99.95)
Heat up the romance and passion with this stunning floral arrangement that is sure to capture your Valentine’s attention. This striking bouquet features a bountiful display of classic red roses, tulips, and white Asiatic lilies nestled within an elegant, luscious red glass vase with a modern twist design for your sophisticated lady.
Teleflora’s True Lovelies Bouquet (Available on for $54.95)
Deliver a special surprise to your Valentine sweetheart with this delightful bouquet that will make their heart dance knowing they are “loved.”  This pretty pink bouquet dazzles with deep red roses, delicate pink alstroemeria, seeded eucalyptus, and other fresh blooms that arrive in a feminine, blush-pink playful keepsake vase with gold metallic script.
Teleflora’s Swirling Heart Bouquet (Available on for $54.95)
Celebrating a beloved friendship or that cherished family member that is closest to your heart, gift them with this charming floral bouquet that is sure to brighten their day and deliver a smile. Dark pink and red roses and carnations present a chic ombre floral look that arrives in a glazed stoneware container featuring an artisanal-style heart design.

My Thoughts
Nothing says Valentine's Day like flowers, and Teleflora has some of the prettiest bouquets on the market. I had the Swirling Heart Bouquet sent to my mother,  and it really brightened up her day. They make a great center piece, and it's always nice to bring a little piece of nature into your home. Each bouquet includes a selection of brightly colored red roses and red and pink carnations with  a little greenery mixed in.  Mine even had some lilies in the mix. It also comes in a beautiful stoneware container with a intricate heart design. This pretty container can be used as a candle bowl or to hold a variety of knickknacks long after the flowers are gone, making this bouquet a lasting gift. 

I have often been leery about ordering flowers online because they don't always look as nice in person as they did in the photos on the website. That's not the case with these flowers. They were perfectly stunning.  Every leaf and every petal is perfection both in their freshness and the arrangement.  I've had other bouquets from Teleflora, and they always last at least a few weeks, making them a great value for the money.  
They were also delivered by hand by a local florist in my hometown, which is great because it still helps the economy in my own community. 

If you'd like to learn more about Teleflora
 and all their beautiful Valentine's Day bouquets, be sure to visit their website.  Get your flowers as soon as next day. Keep them bookmarked for all your special occasions and follow them on all their social networks to keep up with new sales and promotions.
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