Sunday, April 3, 2016

Coloring Book Review: The Magic of Mandalas

Coloring Books have become hugely popular, and while I don't use them as much as I would like (too many things get in the way), they are still fun to open up when you need that occasional visit with your inner child. 

This coloring book, The Magic of Mandalas, was no exception. The intricate designs allow the adult inside to enjoy the book as much as the inner child. This book is a bit different though, as it is not a book in the traditional sense. See what I mean? 

This is actually my favorite coloring book I have tried (or seen). I think it's because the design is so unique. The papers slide into an opening at the top rather than being bound, which I think makes it much easier to deal with. Also, I love that it has an opening in the side so you can display your finished pictures... 

I am definitely going to be using this one more than any other I have (at least until I run out of pages!), and I highly recommend it for any grown-up coloring enthusiasts.