Sunday, August 23, 2015

Book Review: Poems of the Laughing Buddha

Poems of the Laughing Buddah by Jane Marla Robbins is a collection of poetry inspired by the author's Laughing Buddah statue. She didn't realize when she purchased the statue just how inspiring it would be. The statue became much more than a pretty decoration. It became a teacher. A symbol of hope in dark times. A reminder to embrace the good in life, as well as the humor.

Placed close to her working space, the joyful figure soon began to teach those lessons as well as inspire poetry that can make one laugh and poetry that makes one think. It was interesting to see how one object can end up being so important and inspiring, and made me think of my own creativity kit made up of stones.

While I didn't end up enjoying every poem, I did like most of them and came away with a strong desire to get one of those statues myself! With or without one, though, through this collection, I feel as though I have been able to learn from the figure as well.

I look forward to seeing what other poetry may be coming from this author, who is a versatile writer. She's not only written this poetry collection, but has released essays, self-help books, and plays. One of those, A Radical Friendship, was produced in LA and starred Ed Asner.