Saturday, April 25, 2015


Most self-help programs have a shocking 97 percent failure rate. The standard self-help mantra of tapping in to your willpower and using the power of positive thinking is actually a recipe for failure. Now in BEYOND WILLPOWER: The Secret Principle to Achieving Success in Life, Love, and Happiness, bestselling author Alexander Loyd, Ph.D., N.D., reveals the definitive self-help program to help you finally achieve the life you want and the success you deserve.

Science has proven that stress is the primary source of virtually every problem or lack of happiness, whether it be physical, spiritual, emotional, or even circumstantial. People usually set goals for themselves based on external circumstances, which makes them bound to fail due to stress. Loyd believes that we need to understand how fear and love work in our bodies to combat stress. BEYOND WILLPOWER offers a revolutionary forty-day holistic program based on more than twenty-five years of clinical experience and rooted in science, ancient wisdom, and proven therapeutic techniques to remove personal obstacles that sabotage success.

Our Thoughts

I love affirmations, and have used them all the time, but this book brings a new light on to how to become successful with whatever it is you need. There are some scientific approaches that are explained.

It isn't simply a matter of affirming what you want and leaving it at that, you have to actively pursue your dream. The book explains that a large part of our failing will power is the fear of failure itself basically, or a lack of love and support from our own consciousness.

I have pondered this many times, knowing that we all know what to do to attain health and happiness, but very people achieve it because of their own lack of willpower. The book helps bring what issues are causing the lack of willpower and how to overcome it.

There is a spiritual undertone to this book too, which I appreciate. Emphasis on prayer, no matter what your religious background. It is important to stay connected to our soul, and promote a life of love and forgiveness. We are the only ones stopping ourselves from obtaining that which we seek, and it's within each of us to overcome those specific obstacles. Each person's issues are different, and this book gives you the tools to figure it out and move on.

Buy yours on Amazon and don't forget to check them out on Facebook!

Reviewed by Jackie