Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Tom's of Maine Helps Brighten Smiles During Children’s Dental Health Month #goodbedtime

To kick off National Children’s Dental Health Month, natural oral care leader Tom’s of Maine is encouraging children to color their way to better oral health and help others at the same time. A free downloadable coloring book called “Brushing Fun” contains tips encouraging healthy brushing habits and taking care of the planet. With each download, Tom’s of Maine will donate 10 tubes of its Wicked Cool! natural kids toothpaste to Oral Health America (OHA), up to 200,000 tubes, in addition to a $50,000 donation to its dental health programs.

As part of its 14th annual Dental Health for All program, Tom’s of Maine will earmark its $50,000 donation to support OHA’s Smiles Across America program, which involves a network of dental clinics and school-based programs around the country.  To date, Dental Health for All has provided more than $1 million in funding for oral care services and prevention to a variety of organizations, helping to support more than 200,000 additional patient visits at no or nominal cost to families in need.

Twitter Party

Tom’s of Maine and OHA will also recognize National Children’s Dental Health Month by co-hosting a Twitter party along with Family Focus Blog and Crunchy Beach Mama on February 10, 2015 at 8 p.m. EST. Topics to be discussed include healthy bedtime habits, better brushing tips and more. Join the party by using the hashtag #goodbedtime.

For more information on Tom’s of Maine or Dental Health for All, visit their website.

My Thoughts

My husband is one of those conspiracy theorists. He has a lot of crazy ideas and we don't always see eye to eye. Maybe because I'm too much of an optimist. But there is one thing we agree on, and that's the fact that the chemicals in most dental hygiene products aren't good for our children. Do I believe it's the first step to government brain control? But I do feel that natural is best in all things and I don't like allowing chemicals into my family's bodies when it's not necessary. That's one of the reasons why I love Tom's of Maine. They have a whole line of natural oral care products for kids and adults, and recently they introduced some new skincare products as well. We were lucky enough to try out a few of their newest products and they make mom, the kids, and even conspiracy theorists happy.  Here are our thoughts on a few of my favorite items.

Wicked Cool Toothpaste

This toothpaste is designed for kids eight and older and is perfect for my tweens. They've outgrown the bubble gum and berry flavors and this the perfect transitional toothpaste. The mint flavor freshens their breath and gets their teeth clean, but it's not as intense as adult toothpastes. It is also available in a fluoride free variety.

Children's Silly Strawberry Toothpaste

The Silly Strawberry Toothpaste again comes in both fluoride and fluoride free varieties. The yummy strawberry taste and cute design are the perfect way to encourage younger children to brush their teeth. My kids have been much more enthusiastic about brushing their teeth since we started using this. They love the great taste and I love that it's made with all-natural ingredients I can feel good about using.

Tom's of Maine Training Toothpaste

This formula is specially designed for baby's and toddlers and is safe to swallow. It's all-natural and fluoride free. Perfect for ages 3-24 months.

 Baby Shampoo & Wash

This is a great two in one product. It has a very light aroma, and is gentle enough to use on even the smallest babies. It lathers nicely but doesn't leave skin feeling greasy. Best of all, there are no pthalates or parabens, making it a wonderful, all natural choice.

Baby Lotion

These will leave your baby's skin soft and smooth without the heavy perfumes. Just one applications keeps skin soft and protected all day long.

These are only  a few examples of the amazing products at Tom's of Maine. To learn more or to find a store near you, check out their website. Also be sure to follow their social media.

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