Sunday, November 16, 2014

It's Not Fall Without Ambrosia Apples #iloveambrosia

One of my favorite parts of the fall are the abundance of apples. They are one of my favorite fruits, and there are so many ways to enjoy them, they never get old.  Candied, baked, pies, cider, sauce, butter--the possibilities are endless. Ambrosia Apples are a new brand on the scene, but they've definitely earned their name. If case you didn't know, Ambrosia was the food of the gods, and it was believed that one bite would make humans immortal. You may certainly feel that way after you bite into one of these scrumptious apples.

Ambrosia Apples are known for their exceptional taste, beauty, and versatility.  They are grown in the Wenatchee Valley in Washington State by an agriculture family whose roots go back five generations. My family just loved the Ambrosia Apples. Right away, we were impressed with the beautiful color. They are a shiny red with a touch of golden-yellow. They are crunchy, juicy and every bite is like getting a little taste of heaven. They have a naturally sweet, honeyed flavor and crisp texture that keeps my children coming back for more. They are versatile enough to use as an everyday snack or for baking into your homemade pies for Thanksgiving. Adults can even enjoy them alongside a little wine and cheese.  These versatile apples are taking the produce section by storm.

Ambrosia Apples are definitely something to rave about. Crisp and delicious, these apples remind us what fall is all about. I'm sure Johnny Appleseed himself would give a nod of approval.  If you'd like to try Ambrosia Apples for yourself, keep an eye out for them in your produce department of your local grocery store. To learn more about these fantastic apples that really are the "Food of the Gods", you can visit their website or follow them on face book.


Unknown said...

Yes, yes, yes!!! These are my favorite too! My pregnancy craving was always apples, and not just any apples.... Crisp, sweet, flavorful, thin skinned ambrosia apples! I have these on my counter right now!