Friday, November 14, 2014

Drazil Kids Tea

Drazil Kids Tea: This new, all-natural, organic blend of tea and fruit juices is a healthful alternative to your child’s lunch box. With 35% less sugar than regular juice, it’s packed with wholesome antioxidants, vitamins and minerals found naturally in herbal tea. 

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My Thoughts 
During the school year I am always looking for unique drinks for school lunches. Tea is one of their favorites. I always look for variety in my teas. I like to switch between flavors so things won't get boring. My children also enjoy tea, but I don't like to give them caffeine, which means I needed to find a caffeine free variety. Drazil Kids Teas are designed just for kids.  They come in a wide range of tasty flavors using only wholesome and  natural ingredients. They are a combination of juice and tea, so they have the flavor kids crave without a lot of sugar since they are sweetened using fruit and vegetables.  These teas will quench your thirst and satisfy your taste buds all year long.

I was lucky enough to receive a variety of Drazil Kids Teas to try out and my whole family really enjoyed them.  They come in juice boxes that my kids love. They are just the right size to pack in their lunchboxes when they head back to school. We tried one of each including: Tropical Burst, Grape Bliss, Yummy Berry, and Punch Passion.  The different flavors were a big hit with the little kids and tweens alike.  Their flavors are brisk and refreshing. Drazil Kids Tea is an original choice and a fun way to switch up your child's lunchbox. They are the perfect healthy choice for your family. If you want to give these tasty teas a try, you can find them in  food retailers nationwide or online on Amazon.