Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Halloween Nutrition Tips for Kids from Good2Grow

Halloween without candy may be a horrifying concept for kids, but the nutrition stats on the hordes of candy being eaten can be just as terrifying for parents. However, there are simple solutions to help make Halloween a healthier holiday without taking away all the fun. To make sure that Halloween kicks off with a bang instead of a boo, Lisa Andrews, MEd, RD, LD has put together some easy tips to help you “trick” and treat kids this Halloween.

·         Eat a healthy dinner before trick or treating.  Include lean protein, vegetables and whole grains so kids aren’t tempted to unwrap the candy bar as soon as they get it.
·         Hosting a party? Offer 100% juice in place of soda.  good2grow juice is 100%, organic juice made with only natural fruit sugar.  It comes with a convenient spill-proof cap and adorable kid-friendly sippers.
·         Set limits. Left to their own devices, kids could easily eat most of their candy haul in one night.  Without taking the treat away altogether, kids should be given candy in moderation. Allow 2-3 treats, then put the sack of goodies away.

Partnering with the hottest names in entertainment, good2grow juices come equipped with cool character tops that make drinking healthily irresistible to kids. With the wide variety of choices, good2grow is the perfect complement to any costume, party theme or goody bag. Superheroes, Princesses, and Cartoon Characters alike can keep their costumes consistent with matching SippaTopps. And what would Winnie-the-Poo be without Tigger? Minnie without Mickey? SpongeBob without Patrick? With good2grow, kids can carry their costumes’ friends in tow. 

My Thoughts
good2grow fruit juices offer a fun and unqiue way to give kids a serving of fruits and vegetables.  Each bottle is made with real juice and loaded with vitamins, but they also feature a variety of different character designs kids will love. Choose from super heroes, Disney favorites or Nickelodeon regulars.  My son is obsessed with Cars, so I know the good2grow beverages featuring his favorite race car would be a huge hit.
Toddlers usually aren't very good about eating their vegetables and my son is no exception. So I love that there are juice blends from good2grow that include veggies. Being able to sip from Thomas is all the encouragement he needs to chug it down. I was also excited to see they offer refill bottles. This allows you to get the most from the character designs without it costing an arm and a leg. They are perfect for lunch boxes or to carry in your diaper bag. The toppers never leak and my children loved all the flavors. It's the new fun way to keep kids hydrated on Halloween and beyond!