Saturday, September 13, 2014

Three New Kid Favorites from #Yoplait #PlateFullCoOp #paid

Disclosure: The information and prize pack have been provided by General Mills through Platefull Co-Op

Make breakfast, lunch and snack time awesome with new Hello Kitty, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Minion yogurt from Yoplait! Here’s a recipe to make a delicious and nutritious treat for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fan in your house:
Mutagen Ooze Sippers
Prep Time: 15 Minutes | Start to Finish: 15 Minutes
1 package Yoplait Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle strawberry and cotton candy yogurt
1/2 - 1 cup club soda
Blue and green gel food coloring
Multi-colored straws, for serving

  1. Remove foil covers from yogurt cups. Add a few drops of gel food coloring to each yogurt cup, making some green and some blue. Mix until desired colors are reached.
  2. Add 1-2 tablespoons club soda to each cup and stir carefully to combine.
  3. Place a straw in each cup and serve immediately or refrigerate until ready to serve.
With no high fructose corn syrup and natural colors and flavors, both you and your little ones will love these new Yoplait yogurts! For more fun Yoplait recipes, be sure to visit Betty Crocker.

My Thoughts

My children have always enjoyed Yoplait yogurt. They are one of their favorite afternoon snacks and you'll always find a package in our fridge. These new yogurts were just as big a hit as the other varieties. These yogurt cups are a satisfying snack with a thick and creamy yogurt that comes in a variety of flavors kids will love including cotton candy, strawberry and strawberry banana.  My children range in age from three to fourteen, and they all loved all the new designs. 
We tested out one of each of the new varieties that feature fun characters like Minions, Hello Kitty, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The large portions are a satisfying snack to pack in lunch boxes or to enjoy after school. They are low fat and packed with the vitamins and nutrients kids need for a healthy and active life style. Best of all, they are a healthy treat the kids will actually enjoy eating. They'll even keep coming back for more! 
If you want to try out Yoplait Yogurt and their fun new varieties, be sure to look for them in the refrigerated section of grocery stores nationwide!