Tuesday, June 10, 2014

DVD Review: The Great Bear

Jonathan spends his vacations alone with his grandfather on the edge of a forest populated by mythical animals. This year his kid sister Sophie joins. When she disapears he has to venture into the heart of the forest to rescue her.

My Thoughts

My son loves bears, so I knew this movie would be hit with him, but The Great Bear turned out to be more exciting than I expected. It was a movie my whole family enjoyed.  The story revolves around siblings Jonathan and Sophie. They experience the normal type of sibling rivalry. Sophie just wants to be included in everything he does, and Jonathan doesn't want his little sister under his feet. When Sophia accidentally  knocks down his tree house, Jonathan chases her into the magic woods. Their grandfather told them about the giant bear who lives there, but until he sees it for himself, he doesn't believe it.  Jonathan goes in search of Sophie and finds she's befriended the bear. The bear is  a sweetheart but there is an evil hunter in the woods who uses Jonathan to track down the gentle giant.

The Great Bear is a magical movie about a giant bear in an enchanted forest. The graphics in the movie are amazing. I love how vivid the forest scenes are, right down to the smallest insects. In addition to the bear, there are leaves that can heal any injury and frogs that make it rain when they croak. The giant bear, who carries a patch of forest on his back to help him blend in, is stunning as well. There are a few scary gunshot scenes in the movie and they do say s#%t once, so some parents may want to use discretion. but overall, it's a fun family movie that kids of all ages can enjoy.

If you'd like to check out this fun family film, it's available to rent or buy on Amazon.


Furniture Kantor said...

It was my favorite movie after marsha and the bear. :D