Saturday, March 15, 2014

Review: Sprout Organic Baby Food

About Sprout Organic Foods:
Naturally sweet and wholesome, Sprout recipes are made with certified organic ingredients and contain no preservatives, artificial colors, flavors or other additives. Sprout is also pleased to be able to offer a selection of recipes suitable for those with allergies and food sensitivities.

Our Thoughts:
My daughter is almost 7 months and just starting out with solids. With my first child, I didn't read a lot about the dangers of some baby foods, and how there are preservatives and such that can be added. I have taken extra care to make sure that her foods are pure and natural. Honestly, a lot of her foods I make myself. 
This is a company I hadn't heard of before and when I saw that it was organic, and the ingredients list was literally the organic food and water, I decided it was worth a shot to try it out. I wasn't disappointed, and neither was my baby girl. 
She loves to eat, and I have been leery of giving her too much at one time. I hadn't bought any foods yet, because I had intended to make my own. So when we got these to try I was eager to see how she liked them. I knew the sweet potatoes she'd like only because we had already tried them; however, the butternut squash was new. 
She loved them, ALL of them! I am excited to know that if we're out and about and I don't have enough of the foods I've made, I can easily find this brand. Not having to worry about whether or not this is safe for her is another ease of the mind for me as well.

Resealable and easy to dispense, you really don't even need a bowl to put anything in. I just squeeze by the spoonful for her and it doesn't create more of a mess to clean up later. They're handy and store simply. 
Purees isn't all that's available, either. They have some great recipe combinations that I am excited to try out! You won't be saddened or feel you've made a bad choice by purchasing Sprout Organic Baby Food! We loved it, and so will you!
Connect with Sprout Organic Baby Food:

Reviewed by Steph


PAIGE said...

I think my daughter would really like this. Will try. Thanks

rochelle said...

This sounds good kids will love it

barniebad said...

I can not wait to try this.

lil_lady_dz said...

we have tried the gogo squeeze already so I'm interested in trying these also.

An Apel a Day said...

I wish they had these when my kids were itty bitty! They look so handy!

Jenn Hiles said...

I hadn't heard until now about the dangers of baby food. Really wish I had done my research then. My daughter and I have both had Sprout fruit pouches before and we both love them!

laurie nykaza said...

These look so great to drink and so convenient too.

Shannon said...

I love all natural foods and I would gladly trust this for my child if I had one.

Janet W. said...

These sound so healthy! I love the different varieties. Wish this brand was around when my daughters were younger.

Tamra Phelps said...

I hadn't seen these before, but it sounds like a great idea! Certainly a need for this type of thing.

rj7777 said...

Love the convenience and that they are great for baby. Great ingredients is the most important thing and taste of course.