Monday, February 3, 2014

Book Blast & Giveaway - Dylan's Story

What do you do when everything you've ever known is taken away from you? Do you throw your hands up and just let it be and fade away to nothing or do you fight? I may have technically died but I’m not dead and I refuse to give up everything I used to be or the woman who keeps my memory alive, even if it takes me tag teaming with some unlikely allies to do it. I may not be a human anymore but I am still me; Dylan Williams, a man of substance.
Dylan's Story cover

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About the Author:

I am a small town girl with big dreams. I grew up in a small coastal community called Pamlico County in the town of Reelsboro North Carolina. Growing up in such a rural area there wasn't much to do, so I developed a wide fantasy finding solace in writing poetry and songs. After high school I left my little secure coastal town to discover other parts of the country. It was a sad and lonely time, but also a fun and exciting time in my life. I had too many emotions to process so I started to put it all down on paper. That became the start of my first novel, which I have yet to finish. My first complete novel entitled Protector was a dream come true, although I found out during the process, at 31 years old, I am dyslexic. Reading was always a struggle throughout my life and finding out why has really made a difference in me and my writing. It was such a wonderful and daunting process but I have succeeded in doing something I never thought I would do. I have 3 novels published, Protect, Protect Me and Too Close To Home and 2 more on the way. Writing is such a passion of mine and will continue to be whether I become successful with it or not. I currently live out side of my home town with my husband and daughter.

Follow Tressa: FaceBook | Twitter | Website

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a Rafflecopter giveaway


steve weber said...

I want to see Dave Matthews Band play at Red Rocks.

Unknown said...

to go to a concert!

clc408 said...

I'd like to visit the village where my grandfather was born in Italy.

Unknown said...

I want to travel to Italy, where my mom's parents are from.

Unknown said...

Travel to Thailand.

Ann Fantom said...

I want to tour around Ireland

abfantom at yahoo dot comt

msrodeobrat said...

One thing on my bucket list is to travel to Scotland and Ireland
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

smilekisses said...

I want to meet Bruce Springsteen.

imaclutz89 said...

To go to England!

cowboyswife said...

To see my family out east.

Sonya said...

I want to travel all over Europe!

Tara W said...

I want to attend an NFL football game.
Tara Woods

Unknown said...

I would like to see the grand canyon!

Unknown said...

To right a Novel is on my bucket list

hearts said...

one thing on my bucket list, is to see the northern lights in Alaska.

Unknown said...

Just one thing, huh? I think right now it would be to take my grandson Ian to Hawaii - he wasn't able to come with me last time and feels robbed and I would love to share it with him. :D

AEKZ2 said...

Drive a Dodge Viper is on my bucket list